Chapter | 42√

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A day later, Jia called Nadia to the training room and sat her down.

Jia handed the note back to Nadia. “Elijah gave this back to me. They got to the city and tried various call centres but the line kept being unreachable.

“Oh,” Nadia said in disappointment.

Jia tried to cheer her up by saying, “But I have a feeling that maybe it's one of these special calls. They also use a kind of special device to make these calls.”

Nadia felt a little hopeful. “Really? Where can we get one?”

“They sell it at a black market in Japan, once every year, and I'm afraid that time has passed...”

That little hope faded away.

She continued, “But Elijah suggested a friend of his that's great with technology. Alexei. You know him?”

Nadia thought for a while before replying, “Yeah. He was Elijah's roommate.”

“I plan on calling him this evening to see if he can create the device.” she smiled. “So not all hope is lost.”

“That's incredible,” Nadia exclaimed.

“Have you told anyone else about the note?”Jia asked.

Nadia shook her head.

“Good. I've already Elijah and Bryan not to tell anyone. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. Don't get yours up too. The number might be of help, but if we can't get the device before the rescue mission, we will have to go on our own.”

Nadia inquired, “Speaking of the rescue mission, when are we going to act on it.”

“Soon. Very soon,” Jia answered. “We want to make sure the students are as prepared as they can get for the mission. I will have to check in with the doctor to see how your condition is to see if we can begin your training. You've missed a lot of training. I'm considering if you should come along for the mission.”

“No. Please, I want to go,” Nadia told her.

Jia beamed at her determination. “Okay.”

Later that evening before dinner. Nadia visited Faryal and Mia in their room. It was a spacious room with six mattresses for fifteen students. The three girls sat on one of the empty mattresses as they had their conversation.

“So what have you been doing since you got here,” Nadia asked.

Joanne replied, “We have been training a lot. Like a lot. Those like us who are willing to fight are subjected to more intense training than those who are not.” she then proudly said, “I can make a water dragon now but I can't hold it for long.”

Nadia smiled as they tried to catch up on the lost time. She soon, later on, got lost in thoughts.

“What are you thinking about?” Faryal asked when she noticed Nadia was no longer listening.

“It's nothing,” she said then added with hesitation, “Where will you go when all this is over.”

“Home of course, where else will we go?” Joanne asked. Even Faryal was confused by the question.

“What's wrong?” Faryal asked when she saw the sad look in her eyes.

“I don't have one. I have lived with my aunt since my parents died and she threw me out of the house just before I came here.”

Joanne instantly suggested, “You can come live with me. My parents wouldn't mind.”

“Really?” she said in surprise and gratitude, then frowned. “I don't want to burden you.”

“What are you saying, Nadia? You're my friend. How can you be a burden? Don't ever say that again,” Joanne chastised Nadia. “I didn't know you were thrown out of your house. Come to think of it, I don't really know anything about you.”

“Well, it's not like we were given much time for that anyway,” Faryal said sadly.

The mood turned sour after her statement and Nadia decided to fix that by saying, “Why don't we play twenty questions then.”

“Yes, good idea,” Joanne told her. “What's your favourite colour?”

“Purple,” Nadia said.

“Golden,” Faryal replied.

“Blue,” Joanne said. “You know because it reminds me of the ocean.”

Makena met Leia and Akshay when she was coming out of the training room. They stared at each other until Makena tried to leave but Akshay blocked her way. She tried to go round him but he held her arm. She gave him a pointed look and he immediately let go of her arm.

“Please just listen to what we have to say,” Abhay pleaded.

Makena eyed Leia. “I get it. You made your choice. But you didn't have to show her to my face.”

“Honestly” Leia began, “I wanted to apologize for the way I treated all of you and especially Nadia in the past. I was stupid and a bully for no reason. I shouldn't have done what I did,” Her words shocked Makena and she gaped at her.

“Why are you apologizing now?” She asked.

“Because I love Akshay. I love him a lot. We love each other and he loves you guys too. Our fights have put him in a position where he has to choose between us. He can't be without you all just as he can't be without me. He has made me realize my mistake and I'm truly sorry for what I've done. Let's forget the past and be friends.”

Makena looked away. She was quiet as she mulled over Freya's words. She looked back at them and they thought she was going to give them an answer but to their disappointment, she just walked away.


Abhay made to go after her but Mia held him back.

“Give her some time,” she told him.

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