Chapter | 19√

110 11 3

Part Two

When the girl came close enough, Nadia expected her to throw a punch or something but instead, she dropped to a crouch and swung her foot out, sweeping Nadia off her feet.

She proceeded to get on top of Nadia and started swinging punches but Nadia stopped them from getting to her face by forming an X with her arms.

Under Nadia's command, vines erupted from the ground behind them and latched onto the girl's leg. They pulled the girl off her which gave Nadia enough time to get up and go for the flag.

Nadia didn't notice when the girl elevated a little bit of the earth before her. Nadia mistakenly slammed her foot against it and faceplants into the dirt.

Nadia raised her head and felt a warm liquid run down her head, she touched her forehead and when she brought it back to examine it, she gasped at the sight of blood.

While snickering, the girl made to run past Nadia. Oh no, you don't. Nadia's hand shot forward and grabbed the girl's leg, the girl yelped and also fell forward.

Nadia smirked and quickly got up, she ran past the girl and towards the flag. When she had gotten the flag, she turned towards the girl who was already getting up. Nadia summoned vines to wrap around the girl, holding her back to the ground. She knew this won't hold the girl off for her, so she took off running.

Nadia came to a stop when someone leaped from the tree before her and landed behind her. She turned around to see the person sink his fangs into the girl's neck, greedily drinking her blood.

Nadia desperately wanted to look away but couldn't, she was frozen in place. The person licked the girl's neck to seal the holes before moving away.

I thought they weren't allowed to drink human blood

Nadia took two steps back when he finally looked at her. She quickly turned around and made to run away but Ahryan was already before her. She had forgotten for a moment that vampires have super speed.

“Give me the flag Nadia and you won't get hurt,” he took a step toward her and she took one back.

Nadia glanced at the unconscious girl behind her and then back at Ahryan. “Is she dead?” she shakily asked.

“She's not dead, only unconscious”

She clutched the flag tightly before summoning vines and making them wrap around him. Ahryan easily broke free of them causing her to gasp in surprise.

He gave her a grin, showing her his bloodied fangs in the process. “Run.”

He did not need to tell her twice, she immediately began running. She looked back seeing him leap from tree to tree. He could have easily caught her by now but instead, he was taunting her, making it extremely terrifying than it needed to be.

The only way for her to escape him was to be someone beyond his reach and that meant high up. She paused and pushed down her fear of heights. Nadia felt the ground rumble beneath her feet as she broke off the part of the earth she was standing on.

She levitated the rock, ready to go high up but Ahryan wasn't having any of it. He jumped from the trees and collided with her, taking her down with him. In the last moment of connecting with the ground, he switched positions and let himself take the impact.

Ahryan pushed Nadia off of him and then he stood up. Instead of taking the flag immediately and going, he first slammed his foot unto her left shoulder, dislocating it. Nadia screamed and rolled to her side as tears sprang up to her eyes.

“Sorry,” Ahryan apologized but it didn't sound genuine. “Don't want you coming after me. Could have given me the flag when I told you to.”

He took the flag from her hands and step back. He was admiring the flag when they both heard the flapping of wings. They both turned to see a Nephilim towards them at great speed. He rammed himself into Ahryan, sending them rolling down the footpath.

The Nephilim stood up and placed a foot on Ahryan's chest, keeping him down. Nadia immediately recognized him as the one on their team. He took the flag from Ahryan and threw it toward Nadia. It landed a few feet from her.

Nadia's eyes met with that of the Nephilim's glowing ones. They were the colour of gold. “Take the flag and get out of here!” he shouted.

Nadia struggled to get up and when she finally did, she walked toward the flag and picked it up. With the flag still in her hand, Nadia managed to cradle her limp arm to her side to stop the arm from making painful movements.

Nadia wobbled through the woods, not coming in contact with anybody along the way. She smiled in happiness when she saw the school field, just a little more.

Someone pushed her from behind and she stumbled forward, barely keeping herself from face-planting. The person used this moment of distraction to snatch the flag from Nadia and run out of the woods.

A whistle wasn't blown and that meant that all the flags hasn't been brought back. Nadia cried out in frustration. The tears she had been trying to hold back, escaped and ran down her dirty cheeks. She was tired but she can't leave the game until all flags had been collected.

She managed to walk over to a tree and sat down under it. Nadia laid her head back, her shoulder was pounding and her head was hurting badly. Nadia didn't know when she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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