Chapter | 32√

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Guys, this is insane! I screamed when I saw it. Forestlands institution has reached 1k+ views! Thank you guys so much, this wouldn't have been possible without you. Words can't explain how much I love you guys❤

Here's a new chapter, enjoy! And don't forget to vote and comment.

“Nadia? Nadia?!”

Nadia snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name being called. She quickly moved out of the way when she almost bumped into someone and quickly apologized. She looked to see the girls staring at her, they had stopped a few steps ahead while the boys were still walking, arguing about something irrelevant as always. They were all heading towards the cafeteria.

She quickly walked up to them and Mia immediately inquired, “What were you thinking about this time around? You almost crashed into that girl. You are always lost in thoughts,” then she stepped closer to her concerned, “Are you okay?”

Nadia nodded. “Yeah, I'm fine,” just thinking about the diary and Jace.

Faryal placed a hand on her shoulder. “You know we're always here right? You can talk to us if something is bothering you.”

Nadia smiled, gratefully. “Thanks, guys but I'm fine really,” she replied, thankful to have friends like them.

They resumed walking and Makena said with an impassive face, “You should try to be like Joanna, the girl can never think.”

“Yeah!” Joanne chirped. “You should totally try to be like... wait! Hey! I see the double meaning behind that!”

Makena tried to play off as innocent. “I just meant that you're a little bit carefree and all.”

Joanne was not impressed. “uh huh.”

They stopped beside the boys who had thought it right to stand in the middle of the hallway and argue about something irrelevant, again.

“I'm telling you, Magneto's son is faster than flash,” Elijah stated.

“What are you talking about? Flash is faster than Quicksilver. He can go back in time and go through walls,” Ahryan argued.

“Mehn, forget that one. Did you see the way he saved all those students in the X-Men apocalypse before the explosion destroyed the whole school? When he casually collected all the liquid that poured from that girl's cup before it could touch the ground, not even a drop remained. Or in X-men days of the future past when he paused time and shifted those bullets so that the men will be shot instead. Guy, I'm telling you, quicksilver is faster than flash.”

Ahryan looked frustrated. “I'm telling you, Barry is fa-”

“Abhay is looking towards us,” Makena suddenly interjected.

They all looked towards Abhay, except Elijah who was clueless about who they were talking about. True to Makena's words, Abhay was staring at them, glaring at a clueless Elijah.

“Who is Abhay?” Elijah inquired, confused. He followed their line of vision and saw a group of students. Three boys and three girls. He knew it was an Indian name, so it wasn't hard for him to know who they were referring to.

“What's up with this Abhay? Is like the guy is boning face for me,” he was curious and confused.

“Just some filthy traitor,” Ahryan said dismissively, looking away from Leia's group.

Nadia glanced a Mia, wondering if she was also a traitor for having feelings for Jace.


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