Chapter | 6√

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Nadia was dressed in her school uniform consisting of a white long-sleeve shirt tucked into blue trousers and a blue blazer. She had left her dark hair in its unruly curls, and her face was make up free.

As she walked beside Faryal as they headed for their lockers, she found the cover shoes pretty irritating. Nadia had never worn this type of shoe, so her feet were killing her. It was embarrassing that she was somewhat walking like a penguin.

"I've been meaning to ask, why aren't you wearing a veil?" Faryal inquired, as they opened their lockers.

Nadia corked her head to the side. "Why should I?"

"Aren't you a Muslim?"

"No," Nadia placed her books in her locker, keeping with her the one that she needed.

It was Faryal's turn to be confused. "But you bare the name of a Muslim," she pointed out.

The bell rang and they closed their lockers and started heading to their classes.

"Just because I have an Islamic name doesn't make me a Muslim. My mother was a Muslim, so she named me, Nadia. But the name I use for my academics is Alexandra, given to me by my father."

"So are you a Christian?" Faryal inquired.

"I don't have a religion," Nadia answered.

"So you don't believe in Allah?"

"I do."

"So why don't you have a religion?"

Nadia let out a breath of relief when she saw her class door. "I have to go, bye Faryal."

She didn't wait for her reply, she hurriedly entered the class and shut the door behind her. Thank goodness, no more questions.

She turned around to see the teacher and more than forty pairs of eyes staring at her. The teacher was a short, somewhat chubby woman with blond hair and brown eyes.

"So nice of you to join us," The teacher said, narrowing her eyes at her. "Are you new?"

"Yes," Nadia replied. "Sorry for being late."

The teacher's gaze softened. "It's alright. I will let you go for today but don't come late next time."

"I won't," Nadia promised with a small smile.

The teacher gestured towards the class. "Introduce yourself," she instructed Nadia.

She turned to the class, taking a deep breath before saying, " Good morning, my name is Alexandra Crawford, but I prefer you call me Nadia. I'm from America and I just found out, days ago that I'm an earth Elementalist."

There was a chorus of hellos and hi's. The teacher instructed her to take a seat. Nadia searched the classroom for Abhay and she found him on the fourth row beside the window, an empty seat beside him. She quickly went to seat beside him.

"Okay," the teacher clapped her hands to get back everyone's attention. "We have some new students here, who didn't miss out on last week because it was all revision. So you all know how we start because of the newcomers, how about we go over the history of how the elementalists came about."

She wrote on the board - The Coming About of the Elementalists.

"Many years ago, the world was created by the Hebrew God along with the sun, water, air, and earth deities. The Hebrew God created the humans, while the sun god create the sun, fire, and all-natural sources of heat for the humans, the water deities created the water for the humans to quench their thirst, the air god create oxygen while the earth deities create land for the humans to walk upon with food to satisfy their hunger.

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