Alone Again

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(chapter dese syete)


Last saturday was a blast! I really planned it for Chloe. And I think my plan was a success. Chloe seems so happy this past few days.

Finally me and Sacha becomes friends though we always argued at some topic but remained well close.

'I'm so excited today! She promised to bake me chocolate cake! Yey! Ten more minutes of waiting Andy!'

I actually insisted that she should bake me cake as a payment for helping her avoiding her die hard fans last week.

At last after a gazillion years Sacha is here.

"Where is my cake?" I looked at Alexei who bring nothing.

"Sorry I forgot." She replied nonchalantly.

"Huh? But you promised!" I whined stumping my feet disappointedly.

"What can I do? I forgot. Move on Cullen, it's just a cake." she looked at me in great amusement.

"But you promised!" I pouted

"Stop being so childish! Come on we are late." she walked ahead leaving me behind.

I followed her feelings so crestfallen.

'After all the hours of waiting, there's nothing! No cake!. I was lusting for that cake! what it taste like, how it melts in my mouth. Hmmm... But she! She just casually says that she forgets it?! She just throw away all my hopes and dreams. Agh! Okay! I am exaggerating! But that was so disappointing. I'm really disappointed with Sacha.'

Classes passed and I'm so busy with soccer practices. I haven't talk to Alexei after that conversation. Maybe she thought that I'm angry with her because of her broken promise which I'm not. I will never get angry with her. But I'm not in the mood to talk to her after what she did. Maybe tomorrow I'm going to talk to her after this feeling was gone.

The next days was the same my schedule was swarming with soccer practices, school projects, business meetings and business project proposals.

I haven't talked to them or bond with my new friends. Cause everytime I've finished our soccer practice I went directly to my business engagements. Even my lunch breaks and vacant time was used making business proposals that Eros was killing me to finish.

Eros is my secretary by the way. She manages all my businesses while I'm gone. She already gain my trust professionally. No emotional attachment just plain business.

After my meetings, I have to finish reading all this financial reports that was emailed to me everyday. And that was so exhausting.

'God! This will be a hellish week!'

Right now Carl and Jason is disturbing me while I'm making my business project proposals. That pisses me off. I don't have the patience for this.

"Come on MAC! It's been so many days that you've been avoiding us. What's wrong?" Carl asked anxiously.

"I'm just busy this past few days until now, so please leave me alone. I have to finish this!" I answered irritably scrunching my brows looking at my laptop and typing on it.

"We're just worried MAC. You're so distant this past few days." Jason butted in slightly irritated on my answer.

I exhaled hardly and look at them lazily.

"Guys, I'm so sorry but its just that I had to finish this. My schedule this week was very tight. Maybe next week I will have lots of vacant time." I answered very apologetic then avert my eyes on my laptop.

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