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(chapter treinta)

Alexei's POV

"Morning Alexei!" students greeted cheerfully as I sauntered at the schools hallways. I just smile sweetly and greeted back not wanting to be rude which I usually do.

"Morning Alexei." Taylor and Courtney greeted me mimicking the students and giggled after. I just huff and rolled my eyes on them.

"So hows your visit with Mac2x yesterday?" Courtney nudge me wiggling her brows knowingly.


"Taylor said that Marcus said -." She said ecstatically then she and Taylor look at each other giggling.

Then they look at me knowingly with their eyes excited on what I would tell. And I'm not telling anything.

"I can't believe that Marcus has a blabbermouth!!"

"Well?" Taylor grinned like something she already knows as well as Courtney.

"What are you two grinning at?"

"Well, we happened to talk to Levi this morning and he told us that you and Andromache were too loud at the study room yesterday."

My eyes widens in shocked very embarrassed on what I heard. My face heat up as blush spread into it.

'Are we that loud for Levi to hear us?'

"What?!" I finally exclaimed after a minute or so. Now they'll know that Levi was right.

Then the bell ring signaling that our class is about to start. I huff so relieved hearing about it.

"Save by the bell Alexei but you won't get away with us. We want details." Taylor smirked and started walking to our classroom.

"I like the juicy details Alexei!" Courtney giggled intertwining our arms and pulled me towards our classroom.


They haven't asked about it while we're still in class but I'm still giddy every time this two look at me teasingly. I can't help but blushed every time they did that. Well, I just remembered that they already knew the recent activity that me and Andy had done at her library.

Good thing we're not classmates on next subjects. That's made me feel relieved.

Andy is my classmate on my second subjects.

"Hi baby." she whispered not letting anyone to noticed us.

"Hi Andy."

"I'm so glad that we're still classmate Sacha. I can feel that we will be classmates in every subjects that we have."

"Really huh?" I said speculatively while raising my brows

"Yeah!.." she smile goofily

I narrowed my brows trying to decipher why she's that sure.

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked after.

"Why baby?"

I glared at her.

'Give it to me or else!'


She grinned awkwardly and handed her schedule which I hastily took it and look at it.

"Why do we have same subjects in almost all of our subjects huh?

"That's how fate works." she sigh dreamily.

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