The New Girl

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(chapter tres)

Alexei's POV

'Monday, first day of the week, my favorite day! I hope it will be a beautiful day since I'm gonna be seeing Keane my inspiration.' I smile as I stretch my hand and flop out of my bed.

I went to the bathroom to take a bath then brush my pearly white teeth. I walk through my closet and choose what clothes to wear.

'I should be beautiful on Monday, what would I wear?' I thought to myself while rummaging my closet. Trying every clothes that suits to my mood.




After almost an hour..

I finally pick a clothes to wear. It's above the knee length dress that flutters my sexy body. I work hard to achieve this body so why hide it. Then pair it with a nice stiletto shoes. I put a light makeup on and put a mascara on my emerald green eyes. I brushed my wavy and silky brown hair and let it down. Then dyaran! I'm done, the perfect me. I check myself last time in the mirror before leaving my room.

I walk to the dinning area where my mother is seating checking her laptop.

"Good Morning Mom!" I greeted her cheerfully and kiss her.

"Good Morning Sacha!" she greeted back. My parents call me Sacha here in the house. I actually hated it. But they just keep calling me that. So I don't really have a choice. I prefer to be called Alexei.

"Where's Dad?" I asked her while putting a cereal and milk on my bowl then starts to eat.

"He went to work early my dear." she replied scanning her laptop.

My father is a major stock holder in my school. So yes, technically we owned the school. But right now my dad focuses on his new investments while my mom manages our restaurants.

"I have to go now Mom, bye!" I said hastily as I check my iPhone after I finished eating.

I went into our wide garage and ride on my car which is a porche. It was a gift from my dad on my last birthday. I drive to the school as the songs of Colbie Caillat "Brighter than the sun" was blasting on my stereo. It takes 10 minutes drive to reach my school

I park my car near a brand new Rolls Royce Phantom. It was my uncles dream car but remained to be his dream since it was too expensive and he cannot afford it.

'Who ever is the owner of this car must be really filthy rich! I wonder who's the owner of this car since it's the first time that I'd seen it.

I get off my car and proceed to the school. Everyone greeted me and give me a flattering remarks as I walk through the building. I had lots of fans and admirer by the way. I'm the school sweetheart. And I hated it so much cause it just annoys me. But I had to greet them back nicely since I have that reputation to protect. A reputation that my sister had established in this school. Besides, my parent wouldn't like to hear that I've been snob and rude. I need to be nice and sweet to everybody even though I wanted to yell and scream at them to leave me alone.

Now I heading toward my friends who is obviously waiting for me for several minutes.

"Good morning girls!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Good morning ever late Alexei!" Taylor said kinda pissed off because I'm late as usual.

Taylor is one of my best friend. She's kinda serious and very competitive. She likes to be on time always. She's 17 years old and a junior like me. She's the captain of our soccer team, she that good at that sport since usually seniors should be the captain. Can't blame them since she's the schools soccer prodigy. She's 5'6" tall have nice body. She has pale blue eyes and has wavy shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. She's beautiful in her own way that's why she have many admirers but she just ignore them all.

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