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(chapter quatorse)

Alexei's POV

I watch at Andromache leave. I was so disappointed on her reaction awhile ago like I was nothing to her. I know that she was so good on hiding her feelings but that was just unacceptable. While here I am, so whipped seeing her looking like that. Damn! A hot blonde. At first I thought she was a real angel with those wings that moves. Yeah! It freaks me when it moves like that! I realize that we are in a costume party so I came back to my senses that she was just wearing a costume.

We thought she is a gate crasher. A hot gate crasher. We were really ready to kick her out of the party if I haven't recognize her when she suddenly kissed me! The hell! Why does she always do that?!... It really bothers me knowing that someone might have seen it! She's so impulsive. I just thank god it was dark and she use her wings to cover us so no one notices even Courtney and Taylor. 'Weew!'

I really wanted to slap her. But I reprimand myself since one slap for one kiss right?

'Agh! I don't want her to kiss me again. Don't I?'

How did I know that it was her? Well, her vanilla scent. Her scent that I love the most. And those soft hot lips that was so familiar..

I never thought that she really looks good being blonde. Almost all the guy population drools over her.

When she sings that song my heart really flatters hearing her soothing voice sing that song.

'God!What am I thinking! I never gonna like her! This is wrong! I had to forget this.'

'Yeah right! But did you forget it by using this jerk?'

'Get out of my brain!'

'Duh! How can I do that when I'm you!'


'This jerk was so disgusting Alexei! Stay out of him! He's a scumbag.'

'I'm not hearing this! Shut up!'

'He's not even a good kisser like Andy! Kissing him awhile ago was so disgusting Alexei! I wished it was Andy!'

'I'm not hearing this!'

'You heard me Alexei! He's lips was rough unlike Andy whose lips were soft.'

'Eer.. Yeah I agree! But that's it! I like Keane!'

'Convincing me? I'm you! Try harder!'

'Whatever! Shut up!'

"Alexei are you alright?" Keane snapping her fingers which stops me from arguing with myself.

'Geez! I think I'm going crazy!'

"Yeah I'm alright Keane. Come on lets get inside." I smiled at him.

When we went inside and start dancing and drinking. I'm glad I'm still sober. My eyes keep searching for someone. I hadn't seen Andromache even her shadow.

'Where could she be?'

"She already left." Taylor said.

"How did you know?"

"I just know Alexei. I'm your best friend." she smile.

"Stay away from that jerk Alexei! I really hate him after what he did to you!"

"Tee, he's now okay! He has changed already. He was just confused bout his feelings that's why he did that." I defended Keane.

'Give him the benefit of the doubt!'

In Love with Miss Plastic Candy Girl (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now