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(chapter trienta y uno)

Alexei's POV

I was absent the whole day after that incident. I was in my room mopping around. I know Taylor and Courtney will be worried for me since I haven't told anyone that I ditched school. I never ever have done it till now.


And my tears started to fall. I really missed her so much. I was hurt that she just ignores me.

"Alexei. Open the door." Taylor knocked loudly sounding so worried.

I didn't answered and just ignore her. I don't want to talk to anybody.

"I know you're in there! Open the god damn door or I will break it!" she warned petulantly knocking even louder.

"Go away! I want to be alone!" I yelled wiping my tears.

"Alexei please.. Open up.. We're your best friends. We are so worried about you. We are here to help.. So please open the door." Courtney suddenly speaks pleadingly behind the door.

Hearing that makes me feel do guilty. Besides I badly need my friends now. Realizing that, I wipe my tears and slowly opened the door. Taylor was standing outside my door trying to knock again and beside her was Courtney. The two look so worried.

"Hey, what's wrong Alexei." Courtney scanned me from head to foot. She's very worried if I was hurt or if I did something to myself. I was hurt indeed.

"Court. Tee." my voice croaked as my eyes bursting with tears. I hug them tightly. I cried on Courtney shoulder while Taylor rubbed my back hugging me.

They both look at each other like they had some kind of mental conversation.

They then lead me inside my room and help me seated on my bed. I was still crying endlessly.

"What wrong Alexei? What had happened?" Taylor asked worriedly rubbing my back.

Courtney narrowed her eyes.

"It's Mac2x? Isn't it?" she said irritably.

I nodded weakly.

"That girl! I will talk to her about this!" she said firmly clenching her fist.

"Why? What had happened Alexei?" Taylor asked ignoring Courtney.

"I greeted this morning but she just ignores me like she didn't know me at all." I blurted out crying again.

"That's it?" She huff quite disappointed.

"Andromache just ignores you and you're acting like this?." She continued shaking her head in incredulity.

She's right I've been overtly reacted but what can I do? I was really hurt that she just ignores me like that.

"Tee, You're so mean. Alexei was broken hearted cause Mac2x have move on already and didn't love her anymore." Courtney glared at Taylor accusingly while crossing her arms.

Hearing her said that makes me feel lamentable. I feel even worst. My heart just couldn't accept that. And so I cried even harder.

"Damn you Courtney the noisy!!" Taylor glared at Courtney wanting to ripped off her filthy mouth for saying that.

"And who said that Andromache have move on and didn't love her anymore?"

"Well, she did ignore Alexei!"

"Does that mean she doesn't love her?"

Courtney's mouth hangs open speechless. I guess that question made her asked herself too.

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