Meet the Popular

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(chapter syete)

Alexei's POV

After the incident in our Math class Yesterday, the arrogant Andromache was back to her arrogant self. Not actually back to her old self but to her more improve arrogant self. Yeah! A more annoying Andromache was back to pissed me off. How lucky am I.

I was at the cafeteria busy talking to Courtney regarding our plans on cheering leading audition schedule. And Taylor was busy checking her cellphone.

"I'm not available until Wednesday next week Court, I have a schedule photo shoot. I'm sorry." I said apologetic.

I'm sure she'd understand, I've been a model on some fashion magazines since I was fourteen. And my talent manager just call me yesterday that I have a photo shoot in Paris for 5 days.

"Okay then, maybe we can schedule it on Thursday" Courtney suggested.

"That would be fine Court!"I replied happily.

"What about you Tee? When will you have a soccer try-outs? It seemed that you're not that busy?" I asked Taylor who are now busy playing some games on her iPhone.

"We'll schedule it a week after next week since we still have something to patch up." she answered without looking at me while still very engrossed playing on her iPhone.

"Hi coz!, Hi Court, Hi Tee!" Marcus greeted us with Jason and Carl following him. His bruises was slightly gone.

"What's up coz?" I looked at him and smile.

"It's seems that your face is not that messed up?" Taylor butted in with smirk in her face.

Marcus blushed at Taylors comment.

"Yeah, I'm- a ---fast-- healer he he he" Marcus laugh nervously as he stuttered rubbing the back if his neck.

He is nervous every time Taylor was near. Everybody knows that my cousin Marcus Alexander King had a crush on Taylor, but my friend here was so insensitive. I didn't know if she just ignore it or she's just too blind to see.

'Poor Marcus, tsk! If only you let me help you!'

I already talk to him about it but he refuses my offer. He said he can do it on his own. He highly regards his pride. He was so brave on everything but very coward on Taylor.

"We have to go coz, bye girls!" Marcus said and leave hastily.

I just shook my head in dismay as I watch them leave.

"What's wrong with him??" Taylor said puzzled. While Courtney and I giggled.

She just raised her brows as she glared at us.

The three went to the losers table to serve their "Master". Andromache with her two geek minions sitting beside her. She was there eating like there's no tomorrow. I wonder how she manage to eat all of that. Marcus and her two buddies surprisingly were getting close to the group of Andromache for a short period of time. As I can see, they were happily chatting with each other except Andromache who totally ignore all of them. She was very busy eating her lunch.

'What a pig!'

At that instant she look at me while licking her luscious lips and smirked like she just read my mind.

'What the!'

I raised my brows and glare at her. She just grinned widely showing all her pearly white teeth. Then go back eating.

"What's wrong with her?!.wait!! Did I just think that her lips were luscious?!..erase erase erase! What the hell Alexei!"

"Are you finished staring Alexei?" Taylor asked knowingly then wiggle her brows. And the two just grinned widely.

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