Andy 2.0

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(chapter biente)

Alexei's POV

I been taking care of Andromache this past few days but only after class. Levi and Andromache won't let me if I absent.

And during my stay in Andromache's mansion I eventually known this two person closely. They're so childish and immature. They always argued on some stupid things that's not worth the time.

Just like one time. They were arguing on who was faster? Superman or The Flash?

"Of coarse it's the Superman cause he's super fast!" Levi argued petulantly.

"Of coarse not! Flash is much faster than him cause he's moves like a flash. Tell me what's much faster than a speed of light?!" Andromache argued back raising her brows.

"Superman! Duh!" Levi said in as a matter of fact tone.

"There's nothing faster than a speed of light. That is why we measures the distant between planets and other heavenly bodies in the outer space on light years. Flash moves like a speed of light! Dumbass!" She said incredulously to Levi.

"I'm not dumb! I'm just stating the fact that Superman is much more faster!!!" Levi yelled at her.

"Ha ha ha! You're not stating the fact! Superman and Flash are just fictional character and that's a fact!!" Andromache said in between her laugh insulting Levi.

"Of coarse not!"

"Of coarse yes!!"

"Shut up! I'm so tired listening this stupid and childish conversation." I yelled furiously making the two flinched and shuts up.

'God! I'm like taking care of two three years old toddlers!'

And I always end up becoming their referee stopping their stupid argument.

But when the time that a serious matters should be tackled, they suddenly change personality and become a very mature person. Levi acts his age while Andromache acts like she was same age as Levi. And that astonish me.


One time I asked Levi regarding why Andromache acts so mature.


"Well Alexei, she's like that because as early as twelve she's mingling and talking to older people. That's how she was brought up. She thinks like they were at the same level of maturity."

"Oh is that so?"

"Yes! Haven't you observed that she won't have high respect to elderly? Well, except her parents. Just like how she treats me. She treats me like we're at same age." he explained with wrinkled brows, very grimaced on what he was saying.

"Yeah. She treats you like that cause you acted like a three year old." I chuckled after saying that to him while he frowned further on what he hears.

"Of coarse not!"

"Of coarse yes!"

"Whatever!" he said giving up as I smirked at him since I easily won that argument.

"Back to our topic. I observed how she talks back to our teachers especially our English teacher. Now I know why she's so arrogant and rude." I said amusedly remembering how she treats Mr. Maggue our English teacher.

"You've just seen the tamer level of her arrogance. If you had only witness how she talks to one of the board of directors. Tsk tsk tsk. You wouldn't wanna know." he said shaking his head.

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