Meet the Parents

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(chapter biente otso)


Finally! Junior year was over. That would probably the best year of my life.

At last no more classes. As much as I'm too bored going to class. I miss arguing with my favorite teacher Mr. Maggue. Yeah, I'm really enjoying pissing him off. But since class is over, I have to move on and look for another victim. Ha ha ha. I'm so evil.

The good thing is I got to spend more time with my friends and my hot girlfriend Alexei Morgan King. As for the gang, after that revelation, our friendship become stronger. I know they would accepted and support us all the way. Well, I choose my friends thoroughly. Nothing can escape with my special secret talent.

And now my parents are bugging me to go back to London to celebrate my seventeenth birthday. Yeah I almost forgot that my birthday is near. Actually no one knows that my birthday will be this Saturday which is the day after tomorrow. Even Sacha and my friends don't know about it. I hate celebrating it.

I hope Levi would shut up his mouth or else I would close it permanently. Well, he knows I don't really like celebrating it.

Only my parents and siblings insisted to celebrate it when I was in London. But since I'm here, I'm not obliged to celebrate it.

'Ha ha ha! Finally!'

And her I am relaxing at the gazebo near the lake where I usually laid back and sleep. I like it here.

"Ahh..this is life!" I can't help but sigh watching the scenic views and the enjoying the peaceful place listening to classical music.

My girlfriend is not here since she was spending her time with her bffs Taylor and Courtney. They went shopping. I would rather stay here than to go with them. I'm sure my feet will suffer injuries and I hate crowded areas. While the gang were spending time with their respective family. I'm glad no one disturbs me. That's what I thought.

"MAC. You mother wants to talk to you." Levi tapped my shoulder as he handed me his phone smirking.

'Agh! And here it is!'

I sigh getting his phone. I purposely left my cellphone in my room and plan to be here at the gazebo since it was faraway from the mansion where no phone line is available. I guess she called Levi since I'm not answering my phone.

I took a deep breath before answering the phone.

"Hey mom! What's up?" I answered very ecstatic.

"Andy! Why are you not answering your phone?!" she yelled almost bursting my eardrums. Well, who wouldn't? I'm just really tired talking about my birthday.

"I'm sorry mom. I forgot my phone in my room." I reasoned out sounding apologetic in fact I don't.

"I know you purposely leave it Andy!"

"Of coarse not mom." I answered very in denial rolling my eyes.

"Don't lie to me Andy. I know you're being stubborn again." she said very motherly scolding me while I heard someone chuckling on the background. I know it's Artemis.

"Timmy!" I murmured. I know she did something again to convince my mother to celebrate my birthday.

'God Timmy! You're so gonna pay for this!'

"We will be there tomorrow to prepare you birthday celebration and that's final."


"No buts Andy! My decision is final! Besides, we would like to meet your girlfriend. So don't you dare argue with me!" she said in finality making shiver down my spines.

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