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(chapter biente tres)

Alexei's POV

"Is that MAC2x" Courtney uttered with her eyes were glued on the tv screen. She was watching CNN.

'CNN?! Really?'

It make us interested on what she was watching. I think she accidentally click the remote and transfer into that channel. Knowing her she's not the type to watch that.

Then I saw Andy on the news being interviewed. She's kinda looks so different with her business outfit, black contacts, plastering a very serious face as she smartly answered the reporters question regarding financing. She's still looks so young even though she wears that.

"I think it's not her Courtney. Can't you see the name, it's Aundreia Lavega, CEO of Lavega Greeka Int'l." Taylor answered in duh tone while watching the news.

'What?! So the arrogant was telling the truth and not kidding.'

"Ahh.. Okay, they look so alike though. I think they can pass as twins." Courtney shrugged while I look so shocked.

'If you only knew Courtney.'

"Alexei! Why are you so shocked huh? Don't tell me." Taylor look at me suspiciously then her eyes widen like she just read my mind.

And I nod at her unintentionally.

"Oh my god!" She shuddered while shaking me in disbelief.

'Did I just nod? Shit!'

"Hey what was it?" Courtney butted in curiously.

"How did you know Alexei?" Taylor asked ignoring Courtney.

"Amm..Err.." I tried to breath to calm myself as I clear my throat and swallowed hardly.

'I'm so sorry Andy.'

And when I diverted my eyes on the tv screen, I think I saw myself sitting holding hands with Andromache while we're watching the hot air balloon competition at Barcelona Spain.

Although it was just a glance I feel that all my blood in my face drains making my face becomes paler as my heart beats faster.

'Oh! Shit!'

'Why she haven't told me that their company sponsored that event?!'

I'm just glad that it was so fast that they didn't noticed it.

"Tell me Alexei! I'm your best friend. No secrets right?" Taylor asked sounding so upset making me feel so guilty.

'How can I tell her that Andy is in fact my girlfriend?!'

'Great! Just great!'

'Alexei, you're just gonna tell her that Aundreia and Andromache are the same person. That's all! So relax!'

"Amm..She told me. Amm..In fact her real name is Mnemosyne Aundria Lavega." I huff after I said that to her.

"What?! So that person on the tv is in fact MAC2x?" Courtney suddenly butted in quite shocked. I'm glad she realizes quickly what's our topic.

"Yes.." I manage to pull out a smile to hide my discomfort.

"So you mean that, Andromache is in fact a Billionaire?" Taylor asked sounding so impressed.

"Wow! At such a young age?! Geez!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Please don't tell that arrogant that you already knew!" I pleaded.

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