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(chapter biente nueve)

Alexei's POV

I just can't believe that tomorrow, I will be a senior.

'I'm so excited!'

I'm so excited to see my friends and most specially my girlfriend Andy.

I already miss my girlfriend. I haven't seen her this whole summer since I'm spend my vacation with my parent at my grandparents house which we normally do during summer.

Andy on the other hand went back to London with her parents and siblings. We just talk discreetly on Skype when my parents and Margaux is sleeping or not around.

Yeah! My family haven't known our relationship unlike Andy's who accepted us wholeheartedly when she introduced me to them during her birthday. I just wish that my family is like that but they're not.

My dad was so strict. And all I wanted is for him to notice me as her daughter. I badly wanted to please him. Well, being with Andy for the past months, makes me forget wanting his attention. Lets just say that I'm so tired pleasing him or everybody. For me Andy is enough for me. I'll just hope my family will accept me when time comes.

"Hey Alexei, I'll be going to Cullen's house. Wanna come with me?" Marcus said excitedly. My father had talk to him awhile ago that's why he's here.

"Why are you two always with that Cullen? Especially Alexei." my father asked speculatively as he arches his brows slightly making me fell self conscious.

"She's our close friend Ian. Right Alexei?" Marcus answered casually.

"Yes! And dad we haven't seen each other this vacation. Our friends will be there. "

"I wanted to meet her."

"You already met her dad. During the our math competition. She's my partner remember?" I enlighten him since he was thinking hardly.

He blink his eyes before speaking.

"Ahh.. The transferee."


"We, have to go Ian." Marcus

"Bye dad." I kissed his cheeks before going with Marcus.

"Just take care of Alexei Marcus."

"Of coarse Ian, I will take good care of my cousin." Marcus said messing my hair like I was a three year old kid.

I glared at him to stop messing with my hair. He just smirked at me and messed up my hair even more.

"Marcus. Stop it!" I hissed as I pulled his hand on my hair making him chuckled.

'Geez! It's was so hard fixing my hair like this! And he just messed it up so easily.'

Marcus leads me to his car and we drove towards Andy's.

"That's was so awkward." I huff very relieved that I was out of that situation. I can't help felt guilty that I've been hiding something from my father.

Marcus quirk his lips suppressing a smile to pop out.

"And you seemed so uncomfortable talking about Cullen."

"I can't help it." I purses my lips.

"Your really love her don't you?" he then asked in very serious tone while looking at me.

"Yes. I can't imagine myself with anyone else but her. And I don't know what I'm going to do without Andy."

He furrowed her brows.

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