The Three Delinquents

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(chapter sinco)

Alexei's  POV

After our cheer practice I went to my car at the parking area when I saw Andromache's driver/ companion  was waiting for her.

"Excuse me Miss, Have you seen MAC?" he asked me in posh accent.

"Mac?" I said to him puzzled since I don't know anyone named  Mac.

"I'm sorry, I mean Mariz Andromache  Cullen, a.k.a MAC!" he said in friendly tone.

'So that's Ms. Arrogant 's full name huh? I thought it's just Andromache Cullen? Why did she not included her first name then? And why do I care?'

"I haven't seen her since our last subject."  I answered him politely.

"Ow! You two classmate then? Good" he said  cheerfully.

"Where did that brat go?" he whispered to himself while looking at his watch.

"By the way I'm Levi her personal butler and you are?"  he introduced himself still on his posh accent handing his hands.

'Wow! A personal butler huh?!'

"I'm Alexei King." I smiled at him then shake his hand.

Then I saw the arrogant Andromache approaching. She's not wearing her sweater anymore.

'In fairness, she looks good wearing only a graphic shirt, so cute! And yet so irritating!'

"Nice meeting you Ms. King." he said as he leaves.

"Same here Levi." I smiled at him and waited for Courtney.

I can't help but overheard their conversation since my car is beside her car.

"Hows school MAC? Did you enjoy it? Did you gain more friends?!" Levi ranted her with questions

"Easy man!.excited much?" she replied.

But my attention was diverted to my phone when it rang.  Courtney is calling. So I answer her call and talk to her. She was apologizing that she can't ride with me since her father will be fetching her. "It's okay Court, so see you tomorrow. Bye!"

Then my eyes was averted to Levi  grabbing her bag and took off her sweater which was full of blood.

'What had happen? Did she murdered someone?'

"I knew it! Where did you get this? Why is there a blood in here? What happen to you fist? Why did it had bruises?" Levi rants worriedly scanning her fists.

"Amm..err.. I saw someone was being bullied and was badly beaten up so..It's just that.. I can't take it anymore while witnessing it..I know its none of my business  just agitated me. So I help them..and.."  she explained trying to reason out.

"And what MAC?" he said looking at her seriously.

 "And..err..I beat up two students." she said and grin sheepishly.

'What?! She beat up someone? How did she do that when she looks so fine like nothing happens?! What is she? A witch? I wonder who she beats up?'

"Really huh?! What if you were the one who was beaten?" He said in frustration holding Andromache's shoulder.

"We both know that, that won't happen Levi!" she said cockily and grinned at him.

'She's still arrogant and conceited!'

I shook my head in disbelief and get in the my car.

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