The Bet

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(chapter quinse)


English class had passed, Math class had passed, History class ongoing...

'Aaah! This is too boring.'

I can't help but yawned listening to our teacher.

"Stop being rude Cullen!" Alexei whispered.

"I'm sorry Sacha baby, but I just can't help it. I'm too tired.." I said lazily while wiping my tears.

"What time did you sleep last night huh? Why are you so exhausted?"

"2am! Ahhh.. I had to finish something.." I yawned as I lay my head down on the armchair.

"What?! Are you crazy?"

"Sort off. Do you have candies baby? I badly needed sugar." she murmured.

"Sorry I don't have any."

Then the bell rang...

"Finally!" I cheered stretching my arms and yawning.

"Seriously Andy you need to sleep!" she looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah I'm planning to ditch the next class." I stood up with my eyes close.

"And where are you planning to hide?"

"Rooftop! See you Sacha!" I said kissing her cheeks. Yeah I'm getting used to kiss her. We already stop that stupid war. I hope.

"Bye!" I wave my hand and walk towards the rooftop like a zombie when she walks with me.

"Huh?" I looked at her quizzically.

"I was exempted from our exam on my next class. You seemed too exhausted to walk straight so I'm going with you and I'm just returning a favor for saving me." She said sheepishly.

"Thanks Sacha." I grinned widely while putting my arms on her shoulder and lean on her.

When we reach the rooftop she made me lay down on her lap while she reads some books.

"Where's my goodnight kiss baby!" I teases her.

"It's not night yet Andy!"

"Please baby!" I pleading giving her the puppy eye.

"Uh uh! Nope! I'm not gonna fall for that!" she shake her head and smirked at me. I pouted and close my eyes. She just chuckled and kiss me on the cheeks.

I was stunned looking at her.

'I just can't believe that she would do that! Oh gosh!.eeeh!'

The butterfly on my stomach was flying like crazy.

"Stop staring!" she poke my face and turn it on the side.

"Thanks baby!" I giggled then yawned after.

I sleep for an hour maybe and now I'm hungry. I stood up rubbing my eyes while she looks at me quizzically. Then my stomach grumbled. She chuckled hearing it.

" I'm hungry Sacha. Lets get some food." my brows scrunched as I pouted.

"Courtney brought food while you were still sleeping." she smiled pointing the food on my side then looked at her watch.

"And I have to go now Andy. I need to attend this class." she stood up.

I pouted. "Right now?"

"Yes! Why?" she raised her brows.

"I'm gonna miss you baby!" I hugged her tightly.

"Stop being so childish Andy!" she pushes me.

And so I blow my bangs feeling crestfallen.

In Love with Miss Plastic Candy Girl (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now