Crazy In Love

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(chapter biente sinco)

Alexei's POV

Andy drive me home last night using her motorcycle. We left my porche at the cemetery. My poor Portia. Yeah I named her Portia since she was my first car. I was really worried leaving my Portia but she insisted to ride her bike and let Levi get Portia. I did not argued further since we just make up so I hesitantly agree with her.

That night was a night to remember. I thought I lost her but it turns out the opposite. The place is so perfect when she just told me she loves me.

'Andy loves me!!.Yey!'

My heart was very overwhelmed that I can't help but cry. Not a sad cry but a happy cry. That was just so very romantic. She always beats me at that department. She never fails to surprised me.

I was just so lucky to have her.

And now I am driving going to her house just to check up on her. I was still worried of her anxiety attacks.

"Good morning ma'am. Sir Levi and Miss is in the training ." one of her house helpers greeted me as she opens the door. Then she leads me inside.

"Would you like to wait here or would you want to see them in the training room?" She asked politely

"I want to see them." I smiled at her.

"Just follow me ma'am." she then leads me into the training room.

She politely left me when we reach the door. So I slowly went inside the huge room not wanting to disturb whatever activities they're doing in the room.

Andy's wearing a gray with pink sports bra exposing her yummy toned abs and a sweat pants with her hair tied in messy bun. She was blind folded in at the middle of three goons.

They simultaneously attack her making me nervous for Andy's safety . I mean she's still a girl and those goons have huge muscles compare to her who was skinny and blind folded.

But she easily dodge them using her martial arts moves. She moves like black widow (Scarlet Johansen) of the avengers, flipping, kicking and grappling her opponents. After a couple of minute battling the goons expertly she easily defeated them without any scratches.

I feel so relieve seeing her safe without bruises.

'This girl always makes me nervous.'

I thought they were already finished but Levi started attacking her from her back. Gripping her neck hardly like choking her. Seeing it mortifies me. Andy was wiggling in pain trying to escape from Levi's grasp.

'Oh god!'

I wanted to stop Levi but Andy kick his shin and elbowed him making her escape from his grasp.

She was panting and sweating heavily after she escape. Levi attack her again punching her but she manage reprimanding him by blocking his punch and kicking his chest hardly making him step back.

Andy thought that as an opening so she started attacking him quickly, punching him and kicking him which she landed few punches and kicks.

Levi retorted back kicking her hard on her stomach making her attack stops.

"Andy!" I screamed in worriedly.

Luckily she manage to block that kick but she was still in pain clutching her stomach. Levi continued attacking her but Andy dodge and block some of it. She then grasp his punching hand and sweeps his feet making him lay on the floor. She quickly snake her legs on Levi's neck while still holding his hand up.

In Love with Miss Plastic Candy Girl (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now