Instant Babies

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(special chapter)

Alexei's POV

'Where the hell is she?!'

I haven't seen Andy during our first subject. I already texted her and even called her but she's MIA.

Now I'm getting worried and pissed at the same time. It's was unusual for her to do this since the last time that we talk about her not informing anybody.

'Dammit Andy!'

"Hey Alexei, what's wrong?" Courtney asked inquisitively looking at me.

"She's been like that since this morning! I guess she's PMSing." Taylor answered Courtney and the two chuckled making me become so pissed off.

"Where is Mac2x?" Courtney asked noticing Andy was missing.

"I don't know where's that bitch was!!" I grumbled irritably.

"Geez Alexei..Relax Okay? You're making me have a heart attack!" Courtney acted so bowled over on my sudden reaction, holding her chest.

"I think she's busy about something or someone that's why she ditched school." Taylor casually said making my tempers almost bursting out.

'What the hell is she saying?!!'

"What?!" I spat irritably.

The two looks at each other and then at me very amused.

"What are you looking at?!"

"Nothing, we're just curious why you're acting like that? It's not so you Alexei." Taylor look at me suspiciously.

"Yeah. I thought you're protecting your sweet reputation?" Courtney smirked at me.

Hearing her said that extinguished the irritation that I am feeling right now. I breathe deeply to calm myself because of my girlfriend's sudden disappearance.

'Argh! really hate it when she did that!'

"I'm sorry girls. I'm just not in the mood today." I apologizes

"It's okay Alexei. We're used to it." Courtney smiled at me.

"Alexei. We understand that you just misses Andromache that's why you've been acting like that." Taylor teases making me frowned.

'Yeah, Yeah. She's right.!'

I really misses Andy that's why I'm so annoyed and worried not seeing her today.

"Whatever Tee!" I said rolling my eyes on her comment not admitting that in fact she's right. She's have been always right.


The day had passed and I haven't seen her. I only receive a txt from her saying I love you nothing more nothing less. I even tried calling her again but her phone is out.

That worries me even more. She haven't done this before. If only I haven't a cheer practice. I would probably go to her house and confront her.

After our cheer practice, my phone keeps on ringing. I thought it was Andy so i excitedly grabbed my phone. To my dismay, it's an unknown number.

'who is this?'

"Hello?" I answered disappointingly

"Sacha? This is Andy.." she was panting and her voice was quite panicked.

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