The Arrival

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(chapter uno)


"MAC we're here." Levi slightly tapped me to wake me up.

Levi is my personal butler/ body guard/ mentor/sempai/ bff. He was 6'3" tall, has toned body, has black hair, natural tan skin and a deep seated amber piercing eyes. A 10 on a hotness meter with 10 being the highest. That is why any women swoons over him.

"Finally! After a gazillion years we're here!" I said sleepily while stretching my arms and feet.

'God my neck hurts!' I thought to my self while massaging my aching neck.

"What can you say about the place Levi?"

"Well the place is breathtakingly beautiful MAC." he answered while driving.

I know that he was looking at those women instead of the surroundings making me arched my brows hearing him said that.

"Really huh?"

"Positive MAC and according to my research, this place is generally peaceful with such a very low crime rate." he said in a serious tone.

"Yeah yeah... it seemed so peaceful and I trust your research." I smile sarcastically.

"Could you please stop doing that?"

"Doing what?" he asked innocently.

"Perverting! Keep your eyes on the road mister! I'm not planning to die early dumbass!" I exclaimed but he just snigger on my comment.

'Oh man! why did he always do that? He always transform into a pervert maniac everytime he sees women. tsk! God knows if he will not take them seriously. He just wanna play with them like a toy. I wonder when will he treat his relationship seriously. He's not getting any younger.' I shook my head with that thought

I closed my eyes and continue massaging my neck "Are we there yet?"

He looked at me through the rear view mirror "We are still at the town center MAC, just wait for a couple of minutes and we'll be arriving at your new home. Besides, you instructed me to wake you up when we arrive at the town center. I thought you wanna feel the vibes of this place?"

"I'm not in the mood to feel the vibe." I mumble with my eyes still closed.

After a couple of minutes, we enter through a gate and the car has finally stopped.

"Welcome to your be home MAC!" Levi said happily as he helps me get off the car. I stood outside the car and feel the wind blows through and through.

"What's this?!" I exclaimed while pointing my finger to the house . Then crossed my arm and stumped my feet frustratedly.

"God! We already talked about this! This is not what I've agree on!! I just want a regular house not a freaking mansion!.. Agh!.. God Adults!. They're so stubborn!.. Did they really think, I wouldn't notice this Levi?!" I rant breathlessly and grunted after

"I'm sorry about that MAC but your parents insist that you will be living in here. Besides, this is for your own safety. They just wanted all the best for you." he said in an earnest tone trying to calm me down.

I just sigh as my shoulder sagged dejectedly.

'Do I have a choice? Of course you don't have! What would you expect?' I told myself.

He then escorted me inside the house and tries to cheer me up "MAC, this house is not huge for Christ sake! It's gigantic! It has a receiving area, 6 bedrooms, a music room, a gym, a theater room, a library,a special training room, oh!, a game room, a dining room, a gorgeous kitchen, huge garage and most especially it has mini bar near your indoor swimming pool. Also, it had a beautiful outdoor area with maze garden and a gazebo near a man made lake." he said chuckling as he describes the mansion.

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