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Break-even Point (BEP) is the point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal: there is no net loss or gain, and one has "broken even." A profit or a loss has not been made, although oportunity have been "paid," and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return.



(chapter biente uno)


My health went back to normal and I need to go to school. For sure many assignments, make up exams and projects are waiting to me since I was five days absent. I feel so lazy just thinking about that.

'Life's a bitch!'

Well, at least I don't have any problems regarding my work.

The only exciting about that school is Alexei! My Sacha baby. I think my feelings for her becomes much deeper much more than attraction or like. Is this infatuation? adoration? Love?

'Geez! This is not me.'

'One step at a time Andy!'

As I came back to school our relationship turns back to normal,no! Our like hate relationship was upgraded. And I thought we are okay since she takes care of me this past few days. It's seems that she's determined hiding her feelings from me.

I can feel that she likes me that much that my heart is swelling with happiness. But she was so in denial that I she hides it deep inside.

The bad news is that jerk Keane always following her. He's a user like a leech wanted to suck more blood from its host. I know why he broke up with Alexei. It was because he thinks that he could use me. Well, tough luck cause I'm not the usual girl that he can easily messed up.

Next mission: Make Alexei Morgan King confess to me that she likes me and erase that jerk in her life.

'Plan? Lots of plan. There's so many ways to kill a cat. And I'm gonna try every possible ways just to make her confess to me. I'm the best business woman and I'm gonna make it sure that it will at least breakeven. Hahaha!'

"Hi Captain! Hi Sacha!" I greeted Alexei cheerfully who was sitting beside me.

"And you're back Cullen?" Alexei just glanse at me then read her note while Taylor just nods at me.

I think Alexei is reviewing for our upcoming exam next week.

'Wow! She really is studious and smart.'

"Yes!" I smiled at her sweetly but she just ignores me.

'Where is Miss Plastic Candy girl? She should give me a fake smile at least.'

"Am Sacha can I borrow all your notes?" I said playfully while shaking her.

She looks at me raising her brows.

"Please Sacha?" I give her my best puppy dog eyes.

"I thought you're a genius? That you don't need to study? I'm sure you can pass our exam without studying. Besides, I'm gonna need my notes. So sorry Cullen. " she said nonchalant declining me.

In Love with Miss Plastic Candy Girl (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now