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(chapter dyes)

Alexei's POV

"What?! You're having a date with Marcus?" Courtney and I both yelled in incredulity.

"Yes! Could you please don't yell!" Taylor said snappishly.

Courtney look at her in disbelief "Sorry Tee, but that was impossible. Like really?!"

"Yeah, How come Marcus asked you?" I said curiously. I just can't believe that my cousin Marcus had finally made a move. He's too shy to do that.

Taylor inhaled and exhaled hardly.

"Well, it's not actually him who initiated this date." she said disappointingly.

"Who then?" Courtney asked nosily.

"It was just Andromache provision for her to join our soccer team."

"What?!" Courtney and I exclaimed in disbelief.

Taylor rolled her eyes seeing our reaction. "As I've said this date was her provision for her to join our team. I have to date Marcus for a month every weekend provided with pictures every date. She also said that she will send a spy to monitor if we actually dated. Can you believe that!" she explained disappointingly.

'Really huh?! That Arrogant actually did that?'

"Is she really that good that's why you have to do this?" I asked doubtfully.

Well, I know that she's a genius in academics, it would be too much if she still excel in other things. Life would be so unfair if she does.

"Yeah! I don't wanna waste my time if she's not! Besides, I don't want coach Greene to whine on me on why I haven't accept her provision or she will worn me out to death!" Taylor looks so worried like she was trapped and have no choice but to do it or else she will forever suffer the wrath of coach Greene.

"You're coach was so scary!" I commented.

Her coach was really scary, I've seen how she punishes her players, how she exhausted them and push them further. She a really ruthless coach, very opposite to her angelic face.

Taylor agreed on me. "Really scary!"

"Well, her condition is not that bad at all since Marcus is very hot himself" Courtney blurted out dreamily.

"And weird!" Taylor scrunched her brows.

Courtney and I laugh at her last comment about Marcus. She had really no idea why he act weird every time his near her.

"If I know, somehow you like him" Courtney teases Taylor causing her to glare at us. We chuckled on her cute reaction. I know she likes Marcus, she haven't realize it yet.

Then suddenly Courtney realize something that pisses me.

"Oh my gosh Alexei! You're Andy baby is really a genius to do that! You should be proud of her!"

"What did you say?! My Andy baby? She's not my baby! Courtney!" I retorted petulantly.

"Well, you're her Sacha baby so it will be right if she's you're Andy baby."

"Aw! That was cute!" Taylor squeals . Then both of them giggled.

I grimaced on what they were saying and ignore them totally. There no point on arguing, it's zero percent of winning since two against one.

"When will you date Marcus?" I asked Taylor to change that topic. They both smile at me knowingly.

"Nice try to change the topic Alexei. But well, I hadn't talk to Marcus yet."

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