Stay With Me

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(chapter treinta y tres)

Andy's POV

Music is blasting in the air as students dancing wildly on the dance floor like there's no tomorrow. Giggling and laughing are heard on some teenagers happily chattering with there friends. Seniors really have to enjoy this moment since this will be their last.

Yeah this our senior's prom!! Guess who my date is? I think you'd probably say Sacha. Yey!..


Well, I wished. But unfortunately I have no date. Poor Andy.Huhuhuhu..

I rejected whoever asked me. All I want is Sacha.

Why am I not dating my Sacha? Well, I don't know why?. Maybe you should've asked her. I'm dying to know also. Don't blame me for doing nothing cause I really did my part. I'm sure of that. But poof! She rejected me. Nice!

So here I am alone, all by myself, mopping around here outside the gymnasium staring at the stars in the sky asking the world why? Now I'm sounding so overly dramatic.

Well, after all of those painful things that had happened to us. Our hearts really needs time to heal before it could love again properly. In short her heart was still under recovery while mine has fully recovered already but it's still hallow. Only her can fill this emptiness that I'm feeling right now. And I have been ready for her to comeback to me. I am "patiently" waiting for her.

Between the two of us. I guess she's the one who suffered pain the most. That acts put up by my sister and my recent disappearance just made her heart shuts down.

I can totally understands her. She needs time for herself to bring back all the pieces that had been shattered and to love herself before she can love me again completely.

What do you get when you fall in love? You only get a life of pain and sorrow. So for at least until tomorrow. I'll never fall in love again. Ha ha ha! What a pathetic song.

Well, I'm still young and so is she. I have to enjoy my teenage life. We only had once so I better seize it and enjoy each and every moment.

Besides, there's still more time to win her back. I'm so positive that we'll get back together.

'Go Andy!'

I breathe deeply and the cold air came rushing through my skin as the wind blows softly. And memories of past events rushes through me.


Day after the break up...

I dreaded this feeling the feeling of heart ache. I cannot totally blame this to Alexei since I agree to this. It takes two to tango as they say. I did let her go when in fact I shouldn't have.

'Dammit Andy!'

What can I do when seeing her very tormented of choosing me or her family was too painful to watch. Besides, I really understand her choosing her family over me. We only have one family and it can never be replace no matter what. Family first before anyone else. I should know since my family was taken from me a long time ago and it was too painful and unbearable. I can't let that happened to her. So I set her free.

'All martyrs have been murdered Andy!'

Seeing my Alexei in pain is killing me. Even if she tried to be strong. I know she was dying inside. Our recent break up made her lifeless. The sad melancholic look on her eyes bears it all. And I can't stand seeing her like that.

So I decided to do my best to bring back the happiness in her emerald eyes that I love the most.

Next mission: Win her fathers approval.

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