Mortal Enemy

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(chapter otso)

Alexei's POV


'I'm finally back to school. That was an exhausting weekend. I wonder what had happened when I'm gone.'

I'm here at the parking lot when I saw Courtney getting off of her car. "Courtney!" I called her excitedly.

Courtney then look at my direction and smile at me. "Welcome back Alexei!" she squeals while approaching me excitedly. Then hugged me tightly.

"Hows Paris?" she asked cheerfully.

"As usual it's beautiful!" I replied dreamily.

"Have you date anyone in the city of love?" Courtney teases me.

"You know I can't do that, I'm there for work, besides, Keane is waiting for me. I miss him so much!" I said cheerfully.

"Well, I hope that he misses you too Alexei!" Taylor butted in our conversation. I haven't noticed her coming towards us. As usual she hated Keane.

"Hi to you Tee! When will you accept that Keane is perfect for me?" I raised my brows as I answered her.

"Did he calls you when your still in Paris?" she asked suspiciously.

A was speechless, he never called me. I didn't mind it since he knows I'm very busy and he don't want to disrupt my work. But he should've called me. It has been 5 days away from him.

"Speechless? I believe that the answers to my question is NO. He hadn't called you at least once?! Yeah great!, he is perfect for you." Taylor said sarcastically.

"Maybe he's just busy, besides, he knows that I'm too busy too. He just don't want to distract me." I retorted trying to defend Keane from her.

"If you say so Alexei! I hope he will not hurt you, cause if he does he will taste this!" She said while lifting her fist.

"Stop it Tee, your just making Alexei doubt Keane." Courtney said anxiously.

"Okay. Courtney the noisy!" Taylor chuckled. Courtney just pouted on her new nickname.

"Don't you wanna asked how's your crush Andromache Cullen was?" Taylor teases me while Courtney giggled.

I grimaced of what I hear. "I don't care about her!"

The two just chuckled on my reaction. So I just ignore them.

Taylor and I sauntered towards our room while Courtney walks toward her class. When we enter the class room, I saw the seat beside me was vacant.

'Where's that arrogant bitch?!'

"Looking for someone?" Taylor teases me.

"Hmp!" I just ignore her and walk towards my seat.

The class just started when two figures enter the classroom hastily.

"Sorry! we're late!" Marcus said apologetic while the girl beside him were very busy checking her phone. I can't see her face. The raven haired girl is wearing a loose t-shirt and a jean short shorts pair with heels. She's so girly huh!.

'What a long slender legs she had! Wait!.. Don't tell me she's..'

She walks towards my direction still bowing finding something on her bag.


Suddenly she was purposely tripped by Marcus causing her to buckle and fall towards me. It feels like a slow motion when she looks up so shocked on what had happened and on what will happen. Her bangs reveals her face as it flew away. Her perfectly shape brows were raised, her mesmerizing violet eyes framed with thick lashes were slightly widen, those cute pointed nose falls perfectly on her face and her pouted red lips hangs open due to the sudden action. My mouth hangs open as my breathing has stopped.

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