I'm Cupid! Stupid!

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(chapter trese)

Alexei's POV

Andy and I become really close during that days gallivanting every nice place at that state. We even took pictures in every stop we make. I can't believe that we just click like that. There are times that she was so goofy and very immature like a child who likes to eat sweets. She always making me laugh and irritates me at the same time. But above all she is sweet and caring always. I really enjoy being with her company.

When we get back, the school give us a warm welcome. Like there's brass band, confetti and all. Many students look at us with great admiration. Even my family especially my father was very proud of me. At last he noticed me which I longed for too long.

"I'm very proud of you Alexei! Just like your sister, you never failed me." he said proudly while tapping my back.

"Thanks dad!" I smiled sweetly.

The overwellming feeling was was incomprehensible. I love making my dad proud of me.

"Oh sweetheart! You really did great!" my mother hugged me. The I turned around and seen my sister standing behind me.

"Congrats sis!" my sister Margaux hugged me happily.

She is now in college taking business course at MIT. Thatvis why my eyes lights up in surprised seeing her here. I'm so happy that she's here. I love my sister so much. She is my idol and my first best friend.

"Margaux! When did you arrived?"

"Just yesterday sis.."

"Oh! I miss you sis!"

"I miss you too little sis!"

"Alright girls lets continue this in the house. Your mother had prepared special for our dinner. We should celebrate Alexie's success!." My dad butted in.

"Okay!" my sister and I answered simultaneously then giggle. Then my eyes averted to Andromache who was talking to our teacher.

'I wonder where's her family is? I never saw her family with her.
Even Levi is not here.'

I just can't help but feel sad for her. She's all alone.

But then she suddenly smiled sweetly showing off her cute dimples. She just caught me staring at her. It was embarrassing but then I act unfaze that I smiled back at her and continue staring at her forgeting everyone.

"Who's that sis?" My sister asked in intriguing tone.

"Huh? Who?"

"The one that you had a staring contest with." she said looking at Andy.

'Oh shoot! She just caught me. How can I explain it?!'

I blushed hardly, good thing she didn't noticed it since she was looking at Andy.

"Amm..my partner in the competition Andromache Cullen." I answered trting not to stammer.

"She's look so smart and really gorgeous with those violet eyes. Are those eyes even real?! If it is then it's my first time to see a real violet eyes. Alexandria's Genesis."

"It is real. And What is Alexandria something?" I said confusedly.

She just smiled at me.

"She looks so familiar though. I wonder where did I seen her?" She said while trying to remember her.

Then Andromache approaches us after she finishes talking to our teacher.

"Hi Alexei!" she greeted me and smile at my sister politely.

In Love with Miss Plastic Candy Girl (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now