Secret Affair

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(chapter biente dos)


'I can't believe I already had a girlfriend. I mean. Geeze! Alexei Morgan King is my girlfriend?! Oh my gosh! Am I dreaming? I am, I don't wanna wake up!'

I feel like I am floatig towards my next class. PE class.

'Yeah! It's feels like I'm floating. Probably they'll think I'm going crazy because I'm smiling widely like an idiot. Well, who wouldn't?'

'If they were me,they'll probably  be like this  or even worst. Besides, I don't  care what they'll think. What's important is that I am happy.'

Our class ended and I can't erase the smile in my face even though I run many laps. I think it will permanently plastered on my face. I don't care.

"Hey Cullen! You seemed so happy! What's up?"Marcus asked curiously with Jason and Carl on his side smiling at me.

"Psshh..It's none of your business!" I replied raising my brows, erasing my smile and walk pass them towards the cafeteria. 

'The hell I'm hungry and I wanna see my girl.'

'Eeehh! My girl?! Yeah! My girl Sacha! I love the sound of it.'

I can't help myself but to smile again. I excitedly entered the cafeteria with my eyes roaming around the cafeteria.  Until I saw her.

And there she is my beautiful girlfriend having a small chat with her friends Courtney and Taylor at their exclusive table.

I was intensely staring at her until she noticed me. Her face lightens up as our gaze lock up. I smiled widely wanting to be with her.

"Where do you think your going Cullen?" Marcus asked inquisitively while putting his arm on my shoulders looking at the direction where I was gaping.

'Crap! Since when are this three eggs followed me?!'

"Yeah MAC, where are you going? Our table is there." Carl butted pointing at the direction of our table where Chloe and Mickey are sitting waving at us.

I huff dejectedly looking at the three guys.

"I wanted to talk to Sacha regarding thr notes that I wanted to borrow." I said sounding so bored but I was so nervous that they'll notice that I am in fact lying. 

"Since when did you need notes?" Jason asked quizzically.

"Not your business Jason" I answered irritated.

"So  the arrogant is back on line! Nice!" Marcus messed my hair before dragging me towards our table.

"Psshh. Stop dragging me like I am one of the boys! I am a lady Marcus! Gosh! Is this how you treat a lady?" I hissed but he just shrugged and continued what he's doing.

I harshly took off Marcus arms from my shoulder. And walked pass him irritably while combing my hair in frustration.


I sits beside Chloe frowning. Who wouldn't? The three eggs just ruined my good mood. 

"What's wrong MAC? Why are you so pissed?" Chloe asked worriedly .

'Andy, don't lose your cool. Breathe in, breathe out. There you go. Sacha might see you. Relax.'

I inhaled and exhaled few timrs until the irritating feeling subsides.

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