Not Feeling Well

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(chapter dese otcho)

Alexei 's POV

I haven't talk to her after that cake conversation. Although its my fault that I broke my promised.

'It's just a cake for Christ sake! What's the big deal with that. Duh!'

I've been busy on our cheer practice. Regionals are coming so we have to double time. I have no time for her. I always told myself. But I feel the opposite.

The last time I've seen her is when her parents and siblings fetch her at the school. They look so regal wearing fancy dress that only elite can wear.

Actually all students are gawking at them. They all looked good looking. The most astonishing is that they were all blondes except Andromache with her raven hair. Makes her stand out in the group. I don't know if she dye her hair or is it natural. She looks so happy being with them. I now that she missed them a lot. I actually it's my first time that I seen her parents.

'Does she live alone?'

Then she vanished for three days. Yeah! for fucking three days without telling anyone where she is and why. She always disappears like she doesn't care about the people who would be worried for her.

'Why would I care?! I have lots of things to do. And she's not even my priority.'

So I focus myself on the much more important things. But I can't help myself think about her.

'Where are you now Andy.!' I miss you!'

I thought to myself feeling like there something missing in me.

When she got back. She seemed to become a different person. She seemed so preoccupied. She even ignores everyone. She doesn't even talk much. It as if she containing herself.

"Have you seen Andromache? She seemed so different. She's drifting." Taylor.

"Yeah. I don't have a good conversation with her, she's too serious and always thinking." Courtney

"She's just being a bitch. That's all." I can't help myself to comment since I too pissed off talking about her. She being so mean this past few days and she's been ignoring me.

"She's not a bitch Alexei!" Courtney widened her eyes hearing my comment. I think she's not used seeing me so pissed. I'm always composed and in control. Only Andromache can annoy me easily.


"Where's the sweet Alexei. Where did you hide her?" Courtney shake me acting so hysterical.

I just rolled my eyes on her gesture. She's overly dramatic.

"Your acting skills are terrible Courtney." I said lazily pulling her arms away from me.

She pouted. "You're so mean Alexei! You're lucky no other students hear you right now."

"Courtney. Haven't you observed that with regards to Andromache, Alexei can never be sweet! She's so sassy! I'm glad that she can handle that bitch attitude of hers when someone is watching." Taylor shook her head while reading her notes.

"Ha ha ha ha. Very funny." I retaliated.

"See..the real her is unleashed. Not so sweet like everyone used to know. What you see is not always what it seems to be. Plastic!" Taylor said bluntly while still reading her notes not looking at me.

'What the!'

"You're just grouchy cause you miss her." she continued.

'Well, she right! But there's no way I'm gonna confirm that.'

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