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Alexei's POV

"Where are we going Sacha?" Andy asked curiously with her eyes shimmering with excitements.

"It's a secret Andy." I smirked at her making her frowned trying to take off her earplugs.

"And don't you dare took off those earplugs or else!!" I glared at her making her stop. She pouted cutely.

"Hmp! And why are they all coming with us?" she spat irritably looking at our friends.

We were currently riding a van towards a secret destination with the our friends chattering happily inside. Marcus was driving with Taylor by his side. Maki planned this as her graduation gift for her naughty little sister.

Yeah we already graduated. I am the class valedictorian while this arrogant besides me is the salutatorian. She should be the valedictorian if not for her absences. Well, she doesn't care about it though. She said that I deserve it since it me who really work hard to reach it.

"It's your payment for our talent becoming a human barricades, remember our seniors prom Mac-mac." Courtney answered cheerfully with Chloe sleeping by her side.

"Yeah MAC. You owe that to us!" Carl answered smugly.

I remember that after the incident at the seniors prom, our romantic relationship becomes public. We have been the issue of all the gossips in the school for almost a every day. Some approved and some haven't, some even envy us making us the hottest lesbian couple of the school but we just ignores it all. The most important thing is that we love each other and we can now freely express our feeling to one another publicly. That would be the best seniors days that I ever had.

Back to present...

Me and Andy are seated at the back, Courtney and Chloe were seat at the second row while Jason, Carl and Mickey was seats at the first row of the van.

"Hmp!" she scrunched her brows crossing her arms then lean back at her seat.

"Andy stop being so rude!" I glared at her making her tensed up then shrugged after.

But her eyes were somewhat hiding something and she's trying to stop her smile from popping out.

'What is she planning right now?'

I look at her speculatively trying to read her but she seemed okay. But I can really feel there's something up.

She then closed her eyes and lean on me making me erased my suspicions. She seemed so innocent and peaceful making me close my eyes since her sleepiness is so contagious.

Then suddenly I feel her hand rubbing my thigh sensually. Her touch just brings shivers to my body making me somehow turn on.

"Andy!!" I whispered petulantly as I opened my eyes then glared at her to stop her from what she's doing. But to my surprise, she was somewhat peacefully sleeping and her hand stop moving.

'Was she dreaming?'

I look at her trying curiously trying to read if she's playing but it seemed she's not.

'Maybe I'm being so paranoid.'

So I just close my eyes and tried to sleep again.

But after a few minutes her hand moves again but this time it creeping dangerously at the middle of my thighs. Making my body sizzles on her touch and turning me on even more. The heat suddenly spreads throughout my body as it seeks for pleasure that only she can give. It's been so long since she touches me like this.

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