Andy 1.0

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(chapter dese nueve)

Alexei's POV

Marcus and Andromache's peers as well as Courtney are here. They quickly went here after Taylor informed them what had happen to her.

They are so worried looking at the girl who was lying on the bed. She haven't woke up since she was sedate.

They tried to talk to me but I hadn't answered clearly. I hope they'll understand that I'm not really fine to answer their questions. I'm still shocked on what had happened awhile ago.

'Why she's been hysterical?'

It pains me seeing her like that.

My eyes were now swollen due to constant crying. I really feel guilty on what I did to her. That was too mean. Good thing she's now okay. I'm feeling slightly relieved. I was also glad that Taylor and Courtney understands me. And help ease the burden and guilt that I felt.

Then Levi suddenly enters the room.

"MAC!" he said worriedly.

"How is she?" he asked looking at me.

"She's now stable. The doctor said she was over fatigue. She needs to rest." I answered him not looking at him.

"Thank goodness!" he said so relieved.

Then he looked at the us quizzically. I thinks he just noticed that there's a lot of teens in the room.

"So you're all here. I'm glad." he smile at looking so happy seeing us.

"I'm glad you still treat her as your friend after how she's been acting this past few weeks. She's been grumpy you know." he continued

"Levi why is she acting like that?" Chloe asked.

"Before I answered that question. I wanted to tell you something." he started as he sat on the vacant seat facing us making us attentively looked at him.

"We all know that MAC is not a usual ordinary teenager."

"Yeah. She's special cause she has a big brain." Courtney interrupts.

"She has." He nods agreeing on Courtney.

"MAC was so smart that she was trained to manage a company when she was twelve. She was already in college at that time."

'Wow! Really?!'

I guess I'm not the only one who was shocked on what I hear since the other teens faces was so stunned.

But then I realized that she haven't enjoy her childhood. She should be playing and goofing around at that time. It saddened me hearing it.

'Andy is such a lonely girl.'

"She started working full time after she finishes her masters she was fifteen at that time. But she forcedly stop working full time last year after an incident happened."

"What incident?" Marcus asked inquisitively.

"I'm sorry but it's confidential." he seriously answered.

'What? Why can't he just answer it? It only made us more even curious.'

"Okay fine!. Now continue." He said irritably and Levi just smiled at him.

"After that incident, Greg insisted that she should stop working. But she refused to do so. You know her, she's so stubborn. But after a long arguments with Greg, she finally agreed to stop. She badly need a time out. After that, she suddenly decided to study high school again and I don't know why." he paused as his eyebrows scrunched like he was thinking hardly.

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