Playing Soccer and Playing Cupid

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(chapter nueve)


'I just can't believe I did that. Having a full make out session with Ms. Plastic Candy girl Alexei Morgan King was way beyond what I've imagined. What am I thinking?!..Agh! Those soft lips really hunting me for this past few days. I'm wondering what she ate, why she tasted like that. I swear to god she tasted like fresh cherries, really sweet and addicting. Mmmm!. I haven't got enough sleep thinking about that. It just keeps on replaying and replaying in my head. Jeeze! I'm not like this! Pervert much?!.. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm not gay. I never been attracted to any female species in my 16 years of existence except now. Yeah!! I recognize her boundless beauty but that just that nothing more nothing less! I guess?? Now I'm doubting myself! God dammit!.... Why am I not regretting what I did?! What was happening to me?! I actually liked it and want it to happen again for Christ sake!! Does that mean I'm gay?! God no!! Please no!! It can't be!! Agh! This is so frustrating!!'

I've been trying to avoid her this past few days and it really sucks! How could I avoid her if she's with me in almost every class I have. How pathetic this situation is! It feels so awkward being with her. I know that she feels the same. Animosity is really obvious between us and everyone noticed it.

I remember my conversation with the three eggs after that incident.

-Flashback -

Right after the kissing incident ..

"Cullen wait up" Marcus called me as they run behind me trying to catch up.

I ignore them and continue walking to an empty classroom. I was trembling violently and my hands are tremendously shaking. My heart pounds faster and it feels like I can't get enough air. I think I'm gonna pass out at any moment.

"Hey MAC? What's happening to you? Are you okay?" Carl immediately approach me and looked at me worriedly.

"I--can't--breathe...Please--get--pa-per--bag" I stammered tried to intake air as much as I could. I was breathing deeply and faster than normal.

They slightly panicked when they noticed me hyperventilating. Jason immediately look for a paper bag while Marcus helps me sit down on a chair and Carl get a fan to cools me. Jason arrived with a paper bag and handed it to me.

"Okay Cullen breath slowly into the bag and re-breath the air in it ten times." Marcus instructed me and so I did follow him.

"Now set the bag aside and try to breathe normally. Okay try to breath slowly. Focus on taking one breathe every five seconds" he continue instructing me. I nod at him.

After awhile my breathing turns back to normal and my trembling finally subsides. I can't believe that just happened to me.

'Man, I'm a mess. What did she do to me?'

"Thank you guys." I smiled timidly.

"MAC!! You really frightened us! We thought you gonna pass out!" Jason exclaimed anxiously.

I just smile weakly at them. I don't wanna talk about it.

"Cullen,about what happened earlier,why did you do that?" Marcus asked curiously with serious look on his face. Of course he would asked, I only kissed her cousin Alexei.

"Do what?" I asked innocently.

"You know what I mean MAC!! stop pretending!"

I looked at him in the eye. "Seriously Marcus I really don't know?. I'm sorry I'm so confused!." I apologize sincerely.

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