Andy's Confessions

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(chapter biente cuatro)


It's already Friday and I haven't talked to her. I know that she's avoiding me. I think I frightened her.

"Well, who wouldn't? I'm a freak! Who wants a freak? No one!"

"I guess I'm cursed. Ha ha ha! I'm cursed!!. All the ones that I love left me. No! You take them away from me.. The fact they died and vanished.!! You're so cruel!!"

"And now I'm dreaming to have a happy family and a happy life? How pathetic! Of coarse you won't allow it.. You hate me that much that you gave me this curse!.. I hate you!!.. I will be lonely for the rest of my life...Ha ha ha! Screw you!"

"But why me?! I haven't done anything to you!! . .Are you not done yet?! Look at me I'm broken.."

I was screaming and crying my hearts out just to take my pain away at least. I am here at my secret sanctuary. The cliff at the hill of the cemetery where no one dares to disrupt me or heard me yelling. If anyone did. I don't care! I have to let this out.

"Happy death anniversary! Ma!Pa!"

"Thanks for leaving me!! My life is great!!"

I scream as I drank my last can of beer. It's my fifth and I'm not even drunk yet.

"And you too MAKI!! You fucking coward!! Leaving me behind and passing all your burden and responsibility to me!!.. Fuck You Bitch!!!"

"Don't you dare returned or I will beat your pretty face till I no longer recognize you! You bitch!!.."

I was cursing badly throwing the can harshly to the cliff.

"I hate this life!!.."

"I hate this fucking life!!."

I'm still screaming as I walk to metal platform that I made which was attached to the edge of the cliff. It has a one meter width and a length of seven meters from it's edge end to the cliff edge. Just imagine a diving board. It pretty much look like that if you'll look at it closer. But when your far away from it, you wouldn't notice that it's there. You will still think that the ones standing there was at the edge of the cliff since tall grasses is covering it.

"I think I better end my miseries now! I'm so tired of this pathetic life after all!!"

I yelled at the end of the platform looking at the city views.

It's breathtakingly beautiful. Then something's flashes on my mind which made me calm down. Greg, Jessica my foster parents who love me like I'm their own daughter.

My siblings, Apollo, Aries and Artemis, whom treated me as their own siblings.

Levi, my childish guardian whom always taught me to not forget to become a child for once.

My friends whom show me that they'll still there no matter what I did.

And lastly Alexei, my Sacha, whom bravely take a chance on me.

'I love her. Yes! I did just realized that. I love her so much!.'

The thought of it makes me smile.

'I'm so pathetic!!'

"Andy Stop! Don't do it!!...Mariz Andromache Cullen!! Fuck!.. Mnemosyne Aundria Lavega!!.Who ever you are!!.Stop!! Please.. Don't you dare jump!.. Andy!.. Baby Please..."

I suddenly heard Alexei's voice screaming and cursing on my mind. She seemed so worried, angry and in panicked. It really give me a chill whenever she did that. That's one of her characteristic that made me fall in love with her.

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