The twins

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(chapter onse)

Alexei's POV

It has been two days and she's still like that! Blank. Lifeless. She's gotten worse, she was like a robot, no feelings, no emotions, nothing. Although she participated in all our class activity she was still so distant.

Taylor tried to talk to her during our English class.

"Andromache, Marcus and I agreed to have a date next weekend so you better prepare your self. Our soccer practice will be so bloody. Coach Greene will be on rampage kicking our butts up!" she tried to quipped to cheer her up.

She nod lamely "Okay."

Taylor looks very disappointed her reply.

"What is wrong Cullen?" Marcus butted in.

"Nothing" she answered not looking at us.

Marcus look at her worriedly then he look at me pleading to help him with Andromache.

'What the hell is wrong with her?'

"Andromache. You seemed so distant this past few days. What's your problem?" I said trying to make a conversation with her. Hell! this is so awkward,she's not even my friend. She just shrugged then ignores me. I grimaced on her reaction. I'm quite pissed off with her acting this way. She's just fortunate we are here in the classroom right now.

Lunch break...

She's not on her usual table. Her friends looks so sad and worried.

"Who are you looking at?" Taylor asked me curiously.

"If you're looking for her, she's wanted to be alone. She's at the rooftop."

Courtney raised her brows and asks her suspiciously "How did you know that?"

"Marcus just texted me. They just give her space to think whatever she's thinking."

Courtney pry on her status with Marcus "So you're friends with Marcus now? Since when you two become text mate huh?."

"I guess so. Only this week." she answered nonchalantly.

Courtney raised her brows at her answer and looked at her suspiciously trying to solve something.

I don't know why I have this urged to talk to that arrogant. I should be happy that she's not annoying me but I somewhat miss her.

'Agh!' Besides, I think it's my fault why she acted that way. If only I didn't insist her to sing.

'God! Why am I blaming my self!'

'Agh! I can't take this anymore! I have to talk to her!'

So I stood up, grab some water and a bag of cookies.

"Where are you going Alexei?" Courtney asked curiously looking at my hand.

"Let her be Courtney! You're not her mother!" Taylor sneered at Courtney then winked at me.

I just raised my brows to her and leave hastily before Courtney can pry even more.

When I reached the rooftop, I saw her lying on the pavement listening to her music.

"Hey, Cullen!" I called as I walk near her. But it seemed she didn't hear me. So I call her again shaking her shoulder. She stiffened when I touch her and looked at me blankly.

"What do you want?" she asked lamely as she stood up facing me but still wearing a blank expression.

I am speechless since I myself don't know why I'm here. I just stare at her curiously.

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