First Day High

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(chapter dos)



My alarm starts ringing like hell..

"Agh!" I turn it off or should I say I throw it away..

'Damn!.that was so loud.'

But a loud knock follows it immediately.

'Really?!' I groaned

"MAC...MAC, wake up! you have a class today!"

I put my pillows on my ear and lay on my belly "Five more minutes Levi." I mumble.

"No way MAC!, you should get up now it's already 6:30am. You should be early to get your schedule. Besides---"

"Oh, shut up Levi!.you're so annoying!! You're far more worst than my broken alarm clock!" I hissed.

"Besides, it's still 6:30am for Christ sake!.it's too early." I turn around and pull my comforter to cover me head and starts to sleep again.





Suddenly a very loud noise reverberate.



I fell out of my bed as I jumped out to run.

"Ouch!.my butt hurts!" and rubbed that aching part. I'm still panting as I stood up

'what the hell is happenings??!Is there a fire or something?!'

I freaked out and run outside and I called Levi."LE...VI..!!WHAT IS HAPPENING!!" I shouted hysterically.

Then all of a sudden the noise had stopped and Levi appeared grinning idiotically."Do you need something MAC?"

"What the hell Levi!?Why did you do that you Asshole!!.Do you want to kill me?!"

He just stood there so composed like nothing is happening. "relax MAC, relax." he smile.

"Putcha!Gago!.Are you kidding me?!" My face is very red because of anger like I wanted to kill someone right now. And yes I wanted to kill Levi right now.

He just smile at me then come near me and massage my shoulder "Calm down MAC..breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.."

I remove his hands on my shoulder and pivoted to face him and give him a death glare.

'your so dead Levi!'

He just smile at me and give me a peace sign."Don't frown MAC, it'll ruin your gorgeous face, so smile MAC." and put his two hands in my cheeks and pinch it.

I slapped his filthy hands away from my face and still give him a death glare.

"I don't have a choice MAC, I know you know that you never wake up sooner, if I let you sleep again you probably wake up this afternoon." he explained apprehensively

"So you better take a bath now while I prepare your breakfast, okay?" He said as he turns me around and pushed me slightly into my room.

He knows that I won't forgive him that easily without revenge, so he hurriedly run away from me.

'Did you think that you can easily getaway with this?! I already anticipate your plan to flee Levi. You'll gonna pay for this!' I grin deviously.

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