3 (edited)

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Full determination. That's what I possessed.

"Boss, put me back on the Nico Costa case." Risky, I know. Honestly, I couldn't care less. That motherfucker was going down.

Lannister was already nervous. "I don't know if that's such a good idea, Collins." He tried to keep up with my speed walking without spilling the hot cup of coffee in his hands. "Let's not forget what happened last time, right?"

Oh, I'm fully aware of what happened last time. I couldn't give a flying fuck. Maybe this is an immature approach to the situation, but I know I can handle whatever Nico throws my way. I'm one of the best.

"Yes, I'm fully aware of w-"

Lannister cut me off, aggressively stepping in front of my body to stop any further speed walking. "Did something happen?"

Yes, but there was no reason for him to know that information. I can keep my private affairs separate from my work life... kind of. I'd like to think me wanting to kill Nico isn't out of spite, it is simply to get rid of a rival and keep rising to the top of the pyramid. Yeah.

"No." I responded forcefully, making sure I didn't choke up like I did at yesterday's dinner. I had to be more assertive. A lack of confidence is a sign of weakness, and nothing is more embarrassing than being weak.

"Collins, he is just as good as you are. In all my years of supporting your impulsive decisions, killing Costa is always one I don't want to support. It's been years of back and forth, and going at each other has never ended well." He took a coffee break, his eyebrows incredibly expressive as he held a finger up to my face. "Honestly, I don't want or feel like paying for any more damage towards the city."

Lannister is right. We always end up doing more damage to the city than each other, but that's exactly my problem. I don't want to deal with his annoying ass any longer. I don't want to deal with his unnecessary flirting, nasty remarks, or his massive ego. "Lannister, I completely understand, but he will never see me coming. We haven't been assigned to kill each other in so long, and his agency hasn't tried any moves on us in quite a while either. It's peaceful right now. He isn't being assigned to kill me, only I will be. It will be a piece of cake." I hoped.

Lannister pulled up a chair and sat down to contemplate what I had just said. I could tell he was incredibly skeptical.

"I need this, Calvin. Not just for me, but for the betterment of the agency. Taking him down would ruin them. They wouldn't have a top agent, and without Nico they are sure to loose their reputation within a month. We would be the best, and I believe we can be..."

I swear I waited a solid 5 minutes for some sign of life from Lannister. He finally let out a deep sigh, rubbing his temples and then staring dead in my eyes. "Listen closely Sage. I don't understand this little personal vendetta of yours against Nico, but you are right about our agency having the potential to be the best. Fine, you can be put back on the case... but I want him dead. Do you understand me?" Calvin pointed his finger directly at my face, making me slightly jump back in response.


"If I find out you let your emotions get in the way of this case, you're done Sage." Calvin shot me a wink and proceeded to get up and make his way towards his office. Understood, Mr. Lannister.

Hearing the dial tone of the phone rapidly increased my heart rate as I quickly thought of what to say to Nico. What's the easiest way to get a man to abide by your rules? Seduce them. Men are far more gullible than you think. My plan was simple... make Nico hard, then plunge my knife into that motherfuckers heart.

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