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"What makes you think I wouldn't be able to handle you?" My fingers indistinctively squeezed his dick harder. 

Nico let out a grunt before pushing my hand off of his dick. "I know you wouldn't be able to handle me." 

I've never met someone with a bigger ego. "Don't be so egotistical."

"If you want to see my dick, just say that." Nico reached for his pants, but I quickly squirmed out of his grip. 

When I had finally stood up, my hand automatically clutched my side. The shooting pain reached up to my neck and caused my whole body to cramp. Fuck. I scowled, half running half walking towards my bathroom. 

Nico shouted out after me, his body still sprawled out on my couch. "Why the sudden mood change, amore?" 

I didn't respond, instead slamming the door behind me and turning in the lock. With no more adrenaline coursing through my veins, the pain felt excruciating. Looking at myself in front of the mirror only made me feel worse. I looked a mess. My makeup was smudged and my clothes were disheveled. Did I recognize the person staring back at me? All I saw was a girl who was no longer in her prime. A girl becoming submissive to a guy she has always hated. Taking a deep breath, I swung open the mirror/medicine cabinet in front of me and grabbed gauze, cotton pads, band-aids, and alcohol. 

Nico's footsteps ascended towards the bathroom door and a soft knock followed. Was he going to start acting all soft and remorseful now? I won't have it. I hate him. 


"What, Nico?" Agitation was present in my voice as I spoke. 

The door handle rattled as he tried to open up the door, but I wouldn't let him come in. No. I'm backing off. 

"Let me in." He spoke softly.

Just like I had assumed he would. Nico always tries to right his wrongs. He always tries to fix the damage he's done. 


2 years ago...

The gunshot wound had almost taken Sage out. She slid her body across the floor, a trail of blood being left behind each time she tried to inch forward. Her leg was throbbing as she tired to get to a safe spot where Nico wouldn't be able to strike again. 

She was seething with hatred, her eyebrows pressed together and her mouth sealed shut. If she were to open her mouth, it would solely consist of profanities towards Nico. She could hear his steps against the creaking wood floor of the antique gift store they were in. He was close. 

Nico had built up his skills quickly. She had been warned on multiple occasions that there was a new star on the rise. Of course she never paid any mind until she was assigned to kill him and saw first hand just how gifted he was. It was impossible to kill him. But, what really made her mad was just how much he advances each month. Right now, he's still a lean and lanky 20 year old with a sleeper's build, but she knew soon enough he would grow into his body and become stronger than her. 

"Sageee... where are you, my love?" He dragged his gun against a shelf, each rusty old book falling one after the other, followed by a huge cloud of dust. 

Nico loved teasing her, and he wasn't sure why. That was always how their dynamic played out. Hurt each other a little, forgive, temporarily forget, and then hurt each other again. A toxic cycle, he would admit, but one he loved. One he looked forward to. One he fed off of. Nico was convinced he just needed to fuck her. His obsession was pent up sexual frustration with a mix of admiration. She was better than him... for now. 

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