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It has been 3 days since I last saw sage in her drunk mindset. Of course I was eager to see her once again, but right now I had a more important task on hand.

To have her focus on only me, I needed to eliminate the competition. This was Jude of course. He texted her the other day with a little too much enthusiasm for a next date. There isn't going to be any next date.

I slammed my car door shut with a loud thud before flicking whatever was left of my blunt onto the concrete and walking up the stairs to Jude's house.

All I needed was a little help from Axel to find out where his co worker was working. I hadn't told Axel everything that happened with Sage yet... including the part where she sent me to the hospital, because I still needed eyes on here. I needed as much eyes on her as I could get.

I knew Sage was smart enough not to speak up to Axel because that would just speed up the process of everything. I hoped she was smart enough. Knocking on the door 3 times, I waited to see the pathetic face of Jude.

"Can I help you?" Jude looked just like what I expected, a piece of shit.

His one ear piercing was bugging me as I took a deep breath and rested my hand against his doorframe. Jude looked confused, just as he should. He had no clue what was about to happen.

"I can't believe Sage would go for a man like you." I smirked while examining his body language.

Jude's face became flushed as he began to reach for something behind him. A gun. I was quicker, I always would be.

Jude and I both pulled out our weapons at the same time, my barrel against his neck and his against my stomach. The only difference between me and him in the moment was that I wasn't scared.

"Nico Costa, I've heard quite a lot about you." That's why he pulled out his gun?

See, he isn't worth it for Sage. He didn't even care about her. He wasn't crazy about her... I don't approve. He would never appreciate her the way I do.

"Awh, Sage is gossiping about me at work now?"



"Where's Hems?"

Jude was rarely late for work. I don't think I would survive work today without Jude by my side. I know it's bad to say but he was the only person currently getting me through having to see Axel at work every day.

I couldn't confront Axel because it didn't seem like he was angry enough to know what had went down with Nico and I. I don't think he knows... and I'm curious as to why Nico would keep something like this a secret.

"I have no clue." Another coworker spoke out for our silence as I patiently sat in the conference room.

Axel was seated two seats down from me and I could still feel his eyes glued onto mine. I would rip those eyes out of their sockets if I could.

I can't do this. Getting up from my seat, I gently closed the conference door and took out my phone to dial Jude.

All I heard was the ring on the other side. Come on. Just as I was about to hang up, I heard the ringing go silent and a muffled scream.

"Amore, perfect timing." Nico?

"Nico, you better tell me what the hell you're doing with Jude." Shit, this was anything but good.

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