Chapter 58 : Resolutions

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It was currently New Year's Eve, me and the rest of the Chicken Girls were at a news years eve party. Astrid held out a glass and said " peace out 2019, you will not be missed" everyone nodded in agreement.

we all took a sip, Rhyme turned to Quinn " all right Quinn, New Years resolution". She smiled looking embarrassed " okay but don't make fun of me " she said.

" I won't " Rhyme said. " I wanna try out for Cheerleading ". I smiled " Go Dillos!" I cheered happily, " Emma, Rhyme" , "what?" We both ask you're trying out with me" I couldn't help but fell a little nervous.

" okay, okay my turn " Ellie called out " so this semester while Robbie's on tour, I wanna be the best long distance girlfriend ever and surprise visit him in Paris." Rhyme looked at me and asked " your still going to London to visit Ezra right?" I nod " it's a surprise " I reminded her. Astrid smiled at both of us and said " ohh always the romantic"

some girl called out " it's almost Midnight" Ellie looked at Astrid " oh I gotta call Robbie" that had reminded me that I had to call Ezra, " yeah I better find Wes" Rhyme said as she begin to walk though the crowd of people. I quickly pulled out my phone and FaceTimed him, once he had picked up, he smiled when he saw me, " how far away is the countdown?" He asked, some girl nearby me began counting down " 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,-" everyone soon joined in counting down, "4, 3, 2,1" then everyone screamed and cheered " Happy New Year!!!!!".

6 weeks later me, Rhyme and Harmony were all sitting on Rhymes bed, she looked extremely tired while I on the other hand was oddly awake and energetic due to me being nervous. I just back from London yesterday, it felt good to be home. Rhyme sighed " I can't believe Quinn talked me into this one and what people schedule tryouts before school?"

" cheerleaders are type A maniacs, but TBH I kinda love it for you" Harmony said, "I'm just so not the cheerleading type" Rhyme said.

" don't you remember middle school? You were Queen of the dance time " Harmony reminded her, I couldn't help but laugh, " more like cut from the dance team" Rhyme said, Harmony smiled " 4 spots, 5 girls who could forget Middle school" at the point Rhyme had zoned out. I tapped her on the shoulder " it's time to go" I tell her, she snaps out of it and we both left the house.

Once we arrived at the gym, we said hi to Quinn and began to stretch before we did anything. " I think I'm gonna be sick" said Quinn as we all sat together on the floor, " hey, you're the one making me do this, I could be sleeping right now" Rhyme said. The captain of the cheer team walked up to us " okay, ladies, it's time to learn our Pre-game routine".

" You never said there was a routine " I say to Quinn, " I totally thought I did" Quinn said " just follow along" she told us as we all stood up. We began to do the routine, once we were done she turned around and looked at us" I can feel you guys off back there" we all smiled, accepting that we weren't even close.

Once we were done, we changed into our school clothes and began walking to class, " there's no way I made it " Quinn said, " what?, of course you made it, they were smiling at you the whole time" I reminded her, " they're cheerleaders, they're always smiley" Quinn said.

we stopped for a bit and I noticed T.K walking down the hallway, once he passed us Quinn said " well that was awkward".

"still not talking to T.K?" I asked, " it's not awkward, there's just nothing for us to say to each other" she told us. "right" Quinn said sarcastically. After class I was walking with Ellie, Quinn and Astrid. " French cuisine has forever ruined school lunch, I need a crepe or a croissant" Ellie told us as we walked, "Junior's has Croissants" Astrid says. "What if I relocate Tuesday tea to Junior's?" Ellie asked me and Quinn.

"What's Tuesday tea?" Asked Astrid, " it's served with the Chicken girls gossip sesh, duh" Quinn answers. "I'll be busy working" Astrid sighed, "please no croissants, way to many crabs" Quinn begged.

"That is such an American thing to say, can we just tell Rhyme?" Ellie asked. Quinn pulled out her phone and said " texting her now".

"speaking of Rhyme, I think you owe me a whole lot of coffee" Quinn reminded her." Okay the bet was 6 weeks, she has one more day to blow it" Ellie said, Astrid looked confused "what bet?", " how long it would take Rhyme to freak out at T.K, Quinn thinks she can hold off but me and Emma disagree".

" Your betting on that?", I nod " all's fair in love and way" I tell her, she looked at me and said Okay. After school we were waiting on Rhyme, " your barely touching your macchiato is it not Parisian enough?@ Quinn asked Ellie, she sighed " it's just way to foamy and you don't have to keep on talking about France, it's not all sparkling lights and true love".

" Me? You've been going on about it all day, what's your deal?" Quinn asked, " okay fine, so I didn't exactly love France, I got a sinus infection on the flight there, spent most of the week in the airport hotel and Robbie was only able to spend up to one hour a day with me because of the stupid tour, so yeah it's basically the worst week of me life " Ellie admitted, " Ellie I'm so sorry" I say as I place my hand on her shoulder.

Quinn looked at me and said " speaking of trips, how was London, you barely even told us about it". I bite my lip, " well let's see, I got a stomach ache on the plane back and to London, it was cold and Rainy and me and Ezra had fight"

" how bad was it?" Ellie asked, I could feel my stomach drop at what had happened that night, " when I went to his house, I find out that there's a girl living there with him, she our age, and she's very close to him and on the last night of me being there I had caught them hugging and it wasn't a friend kind of hug so I called him out on it and it was a bad fight." Ellie pulled me into a hug " I'm sorry " she said, I shuck the sick feeling off, " It's fine" I tell her, the door rings and we look up to see Rhyme bump into T.K, " I've been meaning to talk to you" he tells her, " you really don't have to" she says as she moves a piece of hair out of her face, "All I wanted to say was I didn't plan on coming back to Attaway and I have no intention of blowing up your life or anything". "Why would you come back and blow up me life?" She asked, "well I mean-" but she cut him off, " no, it doesn't matter, it's all in the past" she tells him, he nods and says " me too" she nods 'good' and he leaves the shop. " at least coffees on you cause I'm a winner" Ellie sings happily, " Rhyme over here!" Quinn calls but just as she's about to walk over a few of the girls from the cheer team jump and say" welcome to the squad, you made it" they begin talking to her and asking her if she's excited and she says yes, I noticed that Quinn's smile disappeared.

Authors note: Hi, so I know it's been a full year since I updated this book and I apologize so much for that, I just had zero idea for this season but now I know what to do, I'll be updating this book a lot more. I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing I also think after I'm done writing this book I'll re do some chapters because I have some new ideas for some chapters so yeah... It's 2021😁

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