Chapter 61 : Unlucky

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It had been a week since our movie night, I woke up early to see that Harmony was making cupcakes, " what are you doing?" I asked, " making cupcakes" she replied, I noticed that she had finished them, " well I know that, I meant why are you making them?".

" It's saint Patrick's day, I wanted to make something", I nodded " okay, as long as you save some for me" I say, I got ready for the day when I got the same call that I've gotten for awhile now, I picked it up " hello?" I asked, and just like before they hung up, I sighed.

I went into Rhyme's room, she was getting ready, she looked up at me " hey", I went and sat on her bed " hey", " what smells so good?" She asked, " Harmony made cupcakes" I answered, " happy st. Patrick's day" Harmony said as she walked into the room, Rhyme smiled " oh those look good", she was now fully dressed and was of course wearing all green, " unfortunately, Millwood has a strict no sugar policy, so these are all yours" she handed them to Rhyme, " Thank you Chef" Rhyme said as she began to walk out the door.

I stood up and followed her, "wait, your not wearing green." Harmony noticed, "yeah, I just don't think green looks good on me" Rhyme admits, " but not wearing it brings bad luck" Harmony said, " yeah, I'll take my chances" Rhyme said as she walked out the door with me following behind as we walked outside I reached over and took one, Rhyme laughed at me as I took a bite, they were delicious.

At school I met up with Ellie and Quinn in the library. " hey guys Cupcakes?" Rhyme asked as she sat down. We all looked into the box " hmm looks a little picked over" Ellie said, " yeah, no thanks I'm not hungry" Quinn said, " so are we still on for Tuesday tea?" Rhyme asked, " you must not remember, I actually have a debate tournament tomorrow after school" Ellie said, " oh sorry did you tell me that?" Rhyme asked, " she told us all last week at her movie night" Quinn said.

"you were there, right Rhyme? Ellie asked sarcastically. "I already said I'm sorry " Rhyme apologized, Ellie grabbed the box and spun it to face Rhyme. Rhyme stood up and said " whatever, I don't need this" and she walked away.

after school, Rhyme had gotten back from Juniors and had to tell us what she found out about T.K and Wes being film partners.

"No it's not fine!" She yelled, Harmony and I sat on her bed while she leaned on her desk, " it's pretty brutal" Harmony added, " and to top it all off, my friends hate me now", " I'm sorry Rhyme I tried to convince them to forgive you but it wouldn't work" I told her, she sighed " it's fine", " you know, this bad day might be a direct result of not wearing green". Rhyme was holding a pair of Green headbands with four leave clovers on them, she set them down on her desk, " okay, my day wasn't all bad, I had a nice time with Gemma and her boyfriend, kind of couple goals".

" Not to bring up the bad stuff, but you know who used to be my friendship goals? The chicken girls " Harmony said, " Rhyme looked down " yeah, I know I need to fix that, I think I have an idea".

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