At school , I waited in the hallway for everyone to arrive , Rhyme had told me about everything that had happened at the date with Tim Sharp , I had gotten to school early , when I saw Rhyme and Tk walk in the door. They were talking , but I saw taking a drink when Kayla ran as fast as she could and said " Guys , I got a text from Birdie , we're forfeiting Regionals , Power Surge is gonna win by Default". "What!" Me , Rhyme , and Tk all said at the same time.
"We can't let that happen" Said Rhyme , just then Rooney ran to us " Guys , have you seen Birdie?" she asked. Rhyme turned to her " She isn't coming , She wants to drop out of Regionals". Rooney looked at her " Uh what?". Rhyme looked at her wanting someone to blame " You're her best friend , what do we do?" she asked, Rooney looked at all of us " I've got an idea" She said and we all followed her out of the building.
We had arrived at Birdies and Tk's house , Tk had knocked on the door and she groaned " Go away" she yelled , But Tk walked in the door " Brought you doughnuts" He smiled. She looked at us " What are you doing here?" she asked. " We can't forfeit " regionals" said Kayla as she sat down on the couch , Birdie looked at her buried in snacks " No Ellie , No Regionals".
Kayla then said " We have to get her back" , Birdie looked at her shaking her head " It doesn't matter , Power Surge is better than us anyways " We all gave her a look , she couldn't mean that "Even Quinn would rather be with Luna , then to belike me".
Tk shook his head " No , don't say that , you're the best big sister anyone could ask for ", " And the best Dance team captain " Rhyme added , " and you're my best Friend " Rooney added.
"And honestly , I really look up to you , sometimes , I mean all the time" Kayla said , " We are the Attaway dance team , it takes a lot to bring us down , we've been through worse" I said. Birdie still seemed down " You guys are just saying that because Dance is the only thing I care about". Rhyme shook her head " No , we mean it" , Birdie looked at the box of Doughnuts " Are there any chocolate doughnuts in there?" she asked , "Yeah" said Tk , Birdie looked deep in thought , she took the box and stood up and left. " Okay" said Tk.
It was after school and we were at my house , Rhyme was sitting up while Harmony was laying down as so was I , " Everything is falling apart , and I can't talk to Quinn or Tk about it", Harmony said " You can talk to us" , " Come on" I said to Rhyme , " I mean , I guess , but it's just not the same , I just wish everything could go back to the way it was" Rhyme said , " That's how Teddy felt when I first got Bunny , he didn't know how much fun the three of us could have together" Harmony said , I looked at Harmony with wide eyes " Your very Wise" I told her , " You're really wise beyond your years". Harmony smiled " Can you sing me a song?" Harmony asked.
She nodded and Harmony laid down and I laid down next to her , and Rhyme sang " For what it's worth , I hope we cane be more , we are a thousand words , that's our current score , There's that picture we took that time , stole it from you and now it's mine , I imagined this could happen but don't know how you feel , Maybe yes , Maybe no , Maybe found my other half , Maybe all we is a Photograph , Maybe yes , Maybe no , Maybe found my other half , Maybe all we are is a photograph , Maybe yes , Maybe no , maybe found my other half , Maybe all we are is a photograph" Rhyme had stopped singing and Me and Harmony were fast asleep.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...