It had been one month later , I had found Ezra sitting in the library with his headphones in , "Hey" I said , he looked up " Hey , I was just listening to that silly song you always play" , I sat next to him " It's not silly" , he smiled " It's kinda silly" he admitted , I asked him about the article that he was writing he wasn't happy for the field research , I looked at the ground , he placed his hand on mine making me look up , " What's wrong?" he asked , " Thing's haven't been okay between us and I just wanted to Explain myself to you" , Ezra looked at me " Em , I told you it's fine you don't have to explain yourself" , but I shook my head " No , I've been building to up for awhile now and I just need to vent , First with Sam , at first he was just a friend and we had kissed but I didn't feel the same way about him and I still don't , and well for Cody , I didn't know that he had regretted what he had did when he broke up with me , but I think the way you reacted was childish , I'm sorry but , I don't mean to be disrespectful but Cody's dead , and he's never coming back and I know that now and if you think it's a competition for my love against Cody or Sam just know that it's pointless" I realized that I was getting carried away " I'm sorry" I pulled out a letter that I had written for him , I handed it to him " You can read it later" I said as I stood up and left.
After school I had went to Juniors to meet with the Chicken Girls , me and Rhyme didn't know what was happing but we walked in and we sat next to Quinn , Ellie , and Kayla , "What is so important that just couldn't wait until tomorrow?" asked Rhyme as we walked in ," Well I'm here for one" said Kayla and we all went into a hug , " we missed you in Attaway" I said as we pulled away ," How's your dad?" asked Rhyme , " He's hanging in there" she said , "We just wanted the Chicken Girls to hang out once more before school lets out" said Quinn ," Yeah , Rhyme is that such a crime? hey that Rhymed" Said Ellie and I smiled , "Ellie if you do this all summer, I'm out" said Kayla , "Out of what?" I asked , "So my dad is feeling a little bit better now , but my mom wants me to spend with him this summer, but she also said that you guys can come stay with us" she added , "The house is , like right next to the lake and he has Kayaks and paddleboats", I smiled that sounded fun , "Staring tomorrow" said Quinn , " What?" said Rhyme , she was shocked while I was excited , "You know , canoes, swimming , barbecues " said Kayla ," Yeah , all of our parents already said yes so your totally will too" said Ellie , "Well you're both coming weather you like it or not" said Kayla " I can not deal with this Chicken Girl FOMO" , " I guess the Chickens Girl's are going to Crown Lake this summer" said Rhyme.
Later that night I had remember the letter that I wrote to Ezra , I knew every word was true ;
Dear Ezra ,
This is a Love Letter, I never thought that I would be writing one to you but I am , I can still remember the first day that I met you , well over Text that is , I was getting ready for a dance audition , And you were there , you were always there when I needed you and for that I'll say thank you for not only being my Boyfriend but my best friend , when I needed you the most you were there , I can now see why you reacted the way that you did when you say the letter's , if some girl and you Ex wrote letter's to you I would be mad too, But in Cody's Suicide letter he said that he broke up with me because he knew that I loved you , When I was younger I never spoke up , that's why when I met you I knew that you would help me , People walk in and out of our lives for either , Metal Illness , Being in another state , or just someone that you knew that you may never met again , I'm a Dancer , I'm a Sister , I'm a Family friend , I'm a Guitarist , But I'm a Chicken Girl , but I'm also your and I will always be your , I know that I'm pouring a lot of thing's out right now but just let me say this , I don't want to wait anymore , I love you , I don't know how much I can express my feelings for you , But just know that I love you and I will always wait for you no matter what so just remember that,
Love Emma
I sat on my bed when I got a message from my phone , I looked and saw that it was from Ezra , it read;
I read your letter
You did?
Yes , you love me?
Yes I do
Well I love you too
Yes I do , and I forgive you
I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you as long as you need me too
I know that's why you should stop waiting , because look out your window
I sat up and ran to my window and sat that Ezra was there holding a single rose , I opened my window and yelled " Hey" , he smiled " Hey , do you want to go on a date with me?" , I looked at him " Yes I do" , I ran downstairs and pulled him into a hug , when I had pulled away we stood there smiling at each other for a long time "Iseeyou" he said , "Iseeyou" I said and pulled him into a deep kiss , when we had pulled away , we had went on a date , we stayed up all night and I told him about the trip and he said that he would text me all night , I smiled , I had lost people but I had met people in my life as well , I knew that no matter what nothing could stop me , I was a Chicken Girl and we had each others back , because We fly so High , We are a Girl Gang like Birds Of a Feather.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...