It was Halloween and we ( The Dance team) were dancing , Harmony was dancing with us. When we took a break I saw that Tk was starring at Rhyme through a the open back door. I had been talking to Ezra for a month and I felt that I was falling in love with him the more and more I talked to him.
Me, Rhyme , Harmony , Quinn , Kayla , and Ellie were all sitting on a bench reading a list from our phones." 6 A.M stretch" Rhyme read " 6:15 Full workout". " That makes me feel sore just thinking about it" I groaned." Omg , a dance schedule, Ellie it's just like camp all over again" Said Kayla. Ellie looked at Kayla's phone " Oh" she said.
" Those are your new practice schedules" Birdie said while her arm's were crossed. " This is pretty intense" Quinn said. " The regional Holiday Dance Meet is only two months away , and this is the team you need to beat" Said Birdie as she held up her phone showing a Video of Power Surge. " Power Surge" We all said together in hearted , besides Harmony. " What's a Power Surge?" asked Harmony.
"This independent company of Semi-professional Dancers" Explained Ellie. They were the best in the town but I felt like we could win. " They're , Like unofficially the most official dance team in town " Said Kayla. " So basically , Major completion " Said Rhyme. " They're the best of the best" I said.
Birdie began to walk away " Let's get out of here". We all went to get our backpacks when Rhyme asked " Are we still on for our pair Costume for Ace's Halloween party tonight?" she said to Ellie. " Pair costume? , as in just the two of you?" Asked Quinn, " Yeah , actually me and Ellie are going to dress up as Netflix and Chill , I'm Netflix-" Rhyme pointed to herself" And she's Chill" she then pointed to Ellie." Not that Ellie's even been chill in her life" Rhyme added.
" Actually , I was planning on dressing up with Henry" Ellie said while fixing her shirt. " Let me guess bags of chips?" Asked Quinn sarcastically, She still was very fond of Ellie dating Henry. "Ketchup and Mustard?" Said Rhyme. " Danny and Sandy" Said Ellie. " From Grease?" I asked. " Yeah from Grease" said Ellie smiling. "Anyways I think Henry's waiting for me , I gotta go , see you guys later" She said as she left. " I thought you were gonna be dressing up with Tk" said Rhyme , she was not fond of Quinn dating Tk. "That's all over now" Said Quinn "Anyways , I'm going to party with some friends, I'll see you later?" and Quinn left.
It felt strange , I didn't know that Quinn had any other friends then us. " Well that was weird" said Rhyme, " Really weird" I said. "You can say that again" said Harmony. Birdie walked up tp Rhyme " If you want to do a pair costume , I'm available" ." But don't you and Rooney always go as Salt and Pepper?" Rhyme asked.
" We used to" Birdies voice cut short." What happened?" Asked Rhyme. " She probably dressing up as a Polaroid camera , so you in" Asked Birdie. " Sure" said Rhyme , I could tell that she wasn't sure. " Later, also cool the chitchat , My mom's yoga group will be here soon" said Birdie as she left. "Later" Rhyme said, " That as weird" said Rhyme again.
"Oh, cool you said it Again" said Harmony.
Later at Ace's Party, I had went as a player. I had arrived at the party already and I meet Ace. I had never met him , he seemed cool. I saw walking around when I had bumped into him " Oh.. sorry" I said. He smiled " It's cool , I'm Ace" he said as he stock out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand " I'm Emma" I said smiling. I turned and saw that Rhyme had gotten there " Oh , sorry there's my sister , I'll see you later". I walked off without hearing his Responds. " Hey Rhyme" I walked up to her but Tk was already there talking to her. So I went to find Ellie. I had found her, she was wearing a black leather jacket with a black under shirt and black lipstick. " Hey Ellie" I said pulling her into a hug. She looked at me ' Oh hi , can we talk later" she said. " Um yeah , ok" I said.
I had danced for while until I saw Rhyme rush fast away from Birdie. I followed her. I followed her to a girls bed room , She sat down on the bed as I walked in, " Hey" I said knocking on the door. She looked up " Oh hi" she looked really sad , I sat next to her wrapping my arms around her pulling her into my shoulder " It's okay" I said. Then I saw Ellie "Hey girls" she said. I smiled at her " Oh hey" Rhyme said. She sat down next to me. " I thought you two were too busy talking to Henry and Ace to notice me" Rhyme said. " I was just meeting him" I said laying my head on her shoulder." Henry's been so Phone obsessed Lately , all he wants to do is take picture and not even talk".
"I'm sorry , I've been a little bit boy crazy lately" Ellie apologized. "We all have our Crushes and our love life" I said. Ezra, I thought and that brought a smile to my face." Did you see Quinn walking in with Power Sugrue , is she like trying out for the team or something? " Said Rhyme. "Yeah I did , it was really weird" I said. Ellie scoffed " She would never".
Rhyme shook her head " I don't know it's just -- it feels like everyone's moving on with their lives and I'm just stuck" She sighed. Ellie placed her hand on Rhyme shoulder " Listen up now , listen to me" Ellie sang , I joined in smiling " my girl's my fam , my family , stronger in number's it's no wonder , watch out world watch and you'll see" Rhyme had looked up and smiled. " There's no stopping us , In our game, come back come back for ya like a boomerang".
Rhyme had joined us smiling " We fly so high , we fly together , we are a girl gang like bird of a feather, we fly so high, we fly together , we are a girl gang like birds of a feather" We all came into a big hug. " I wish you sang more , the both of you , your voice is amazing" Rhyme said. " I don't know , maybe" Ellie said. " I'm not that good" I said." Hey want to come to my house and watch some scary movies and eat candy?" she asked the both of us. " But not too scary" Rhyme said, " and way too much candy" I smiled." let's go" said Ellie , We all got up and left to watch scary movies and eat way too much Candy.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...