It was time for the Mr. Attaway competition , I went to the set to see Ezra , Rhyme had went there as well as Quinn, I looked at him while he was being taught the dance that they would dance , he looked like he was having fun.
The next day I was walking with Quinn and Rhyme when we saw that Ezra's step mom was yelling at him I told them that I would see them later , I walked up to him as she left , he sat down with his head against the wall , I sat next to him , " What was with her?" I asked , "I made her wait 10 minutes because practice was running late" he said looking said , I took his hand in mine , " They way she was yelling at you , I thought that robbed a bank or something" I said. " She just has a really bad temper" he said , "I didn't know it was that bad" I said , " To be honest and I don't like talking about it but I think she hates me" Admitted Ezra , " Does your dad know ,what she does?" I asked , he shook his head " She never shout's at me when he's around" he looked down at the ground , " Hey" I placed my hand on his check " thing's will get better" I told him , He looked at me his eyes filled with sadness ," Hey , to take your mind off things , a lot of us are going to be going to Juniors after Mr. Attaway is announced , I'd love if you come" I said. he smiled " Yeah , I'll come" I smiled and pulled him into a kiss.
We were all sitting in class while the Mr. Attaway was being announced , I was happy as I waited to see Ezra , even if he won or lost I would still love him , I still had Cody's note in my pocket , I didn't want it away from me. When it went live and they danced , who know that Tim was a good dancer , but when it came to them asking questions the boys answered , but when the asked Ezra if he could go back in time what would he change and he said " I met a girl about two years ago , and I fell in love with her , but we grew closer part but I'm glad I'm in her life today , but I would be in her life more to make up for all the time lost" he said , Ellie asked to me " Was he talking about you?" I looked at him " I don't know , it could be anyone" I said , Quinn shook her head " he so was talking about you" , at the end of it the announced the winner was Hamilton.
Later at the Diner , we were all sitting there talking when Ezra walked in , I stood up and smiled " Hey , I'm glad you could make it" I told him , he took my hand " Let's go sit down" I said , as I guided us to the table, we sat down there just smiling at each other , Rooney was with Drake and said " Ok , just date already" I looked at her " What?" ," You two keep looking at each other and smiling and your holding hands " I blushed , I turned to Ezra ," Should we give them what they want?" he asked , I nodded, but then a voice came in " Guess who's back from Texas y'all" , we all looked and saw Birdie , " Birdie " we all called and went into a group hug ,"Are you here to stay?" I asked ," Yeah" she said ," Is T.k with you?" asked Rhyme " No he's staying in Texas with his dad but he did get your letter" she said as she gave them to Rhyme , just then I heard another voice , I looked and saw that it was Kate and Angel " Hey" I said as I ran and gave them a hug ,"I have something to give you" said Kate and she handed me a letter, it was from Sam , from the last Time I went to Millwood me and Sam had kissed , but I wasn't dating anyone at the time , Ezra had wrapped his arm around me when Angel gave me a few more letters, they were all from Cody ," What are these?" I asked , Ezra took one form me , and opened it and read it , when he stopped he looked at me , he then took the one from Sam and opened that one and read it , he looked at me again and shoved it towards me and walked out of the diner.
I took the letter from Sam and read it , he had said that he loved me , I looked at Kate " Why did you give this to me?" I asked ," Last time you were in Millwood , Sam did have a crush on you and so he wanted to be fancy and write you a letter" , I looked at Angel " Who did you get these?" I asked ," Cody is or was my step Brother , his dad married my mom , he had wrote these after spring break , he truly did love you" she said. I sighed " This is just great" I said ," What do you mean by he was your step brother?" asked Rooney , I looked back at Rooney then at Angel " You didn't tell them?" she said , I shook my head , I felt my eyes begin to water " Em what's wrong?" asked Rhyme ," I have something to tell you guys" I said , and so I explained what had happened , when I had met up with Cody for the first time since spring break , from me seeing his overdose , from me finding out that he had overdoes , Rooney's party when Ezra asked me out so we were dating , when I had said my goodbyes to Cody and him dying right in front of me , and me reading his note , I had showed them the letter that I pulled out of my pocket , I turned to Rhyme " That's why I was staying with Cody's mom for awhile , Harmony had asked me why I was going , but I couldn't tell her about Cody" I was crying now and so was a lot of people , well Rhyme , Rooney and all the people who knew Cody were crying.
I had to talk to Ezra , I had to clear thing's up with him ," Then what's In the case?" asked Rooney , I looked at the case and I opened it , reviling Cody's guitar ," His Guitar , I don't want to leave it behind" I said. Kate and Angel were still there , I turned to Kate " I'll visits Millwood as soon as I can ,and Angel , I'm sorry" I said , Kate smiled " Cassie would love to see you" she said as she left and Angel left saying that there was nothing to be sorry for.
After that I had went back to my house , I walked into my room and began to play Cody's Guitar and I sat down on my bed and began to play
and I sang but while I was singing it had made my think of Ezra , I sang " Met a girl at seventeen thought she meant the world to me So I gave her everything She turned out to be a cheat Said she'd been thinking for a long time And she found somebody new I've been thinking that this whole time Well I never thought you'd stay That's okay I hope he takes your filthy heart And then he throws you away someday Before you go, there's one thing you oughta know If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door I don't wanna take your precious time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time I don't wanna take up all your time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time You're the lowest type You're the lowest I met a girl talking away She found a boy she knew she'd change
I changed my clothes, my hair, my face To watch us go our separate ways She said we've grown apart for sometime But then she found somebody new I hope Mr. Right puts up with all the things that you do Stay the hell away, While I sit here by myself And figure out how I got this way Before you go, there's one thing you oughta know If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door I don't wanna take your precious time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time I don't wanna take up all your time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time I don't want to get things confused She said she'd never settle for some boy she couldn't use So now I gotta call the doctor So he can prescribe me medication So I can deal with all the memories of being here this way I met a girl at twenty-three Knew she meant the world to me So I gave her everything And she did the same for me Imagine that 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty face No you're such a pretty, pretty face Well, oh yeah 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty face No you're such a pretty, pretty face I don't wanna take your precious time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time I don't wanna take up all your time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time Would you please stay and come inside, baby Would you please stay and please be mine, baby Would you please stay and come inside, baby Would you please stay and please be mine?".
I Had to see Ezra , I had to talk to him , I loved him , I had kept all of the letters that Cody had written to me as well as his last note to me and I also kept Sam note's I had token a push pin and stock then to a board that I had in my room. I stood there and looked at Cody's guitar and the notes then my phone , I had to clear thing's up , I got onto my phone and began to text Ezra;
No responds
Ezra please talk to me
No responds
I'm sorry , please can we talk?
No responds
No responds
Come on Babe , please let me explain
No Responds
I set my phone down and went to bed, I didn't know what to do.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...