Chapter 54 : Someone Else

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I sat next to Quinn, it was the first Regional Debate. We were there to support Ellie as well as Astrid was there too, " Hello and Welcome to the first regional debate between Attaway and Millwood" The teacher said " representing the Millwood Debate society, we have Calvin". Some of the students clapped but it was quiet and me, Quinn and Astrid booed him. " and from Attaway we have Ellie Mack" Everyone clapped and me, Quinn, and Astrid all cheered " Yeah Go Ellie!".

"Today's debate topic: is it ever morally acceptable to withhold the truth? .. Repressing..." but the teacher was cut off from the door creaking open, we all turned to see Robbie. We looked back in front and Ellie didn't look happy. But the Debate began and it was really interesting, I could see why Ellie was so good at it too.

" No saturation is black or white, life is full of grey areas, we can't possibly set a steadfast moral standard and say that any kind of lie or omission of truth is ethically correct" Calvin turned to look at Ellie " If it is to reduce harm, it is more potentially excusable". Then it was Ellie's turn " That's where I'd have to strongly disagree with you, relationships are built on the foundation of trust, without trust we have nothing, even a little white lie can cause the foundation to crumble. we second guess everything we encounter and everything we're told, if we can't take anything at face value, then we would end up, in a deeply paranoid, confused and broken relationship" Ellie's voice cracked and tears were streaming down her face as she continued " I conclusion , I would have to agree with the Philosopher Immanuel Kant, that lying could cause a complete collapse of..." She began to cry softly " I'm sorry, I just can't". Me, Quinn, and Astrid all turned around and looked at Robbie.

After school we all went to Subway. Me and Astrid were comforting Ellie while Quinn was getting cookies, " All right, so , chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin?" Quin asked as her and Astrid help the two cookies in front of her. "I'm not hungry" She said blankly, "Come on, you don't want this soft gooey perfection?" Quinn asked" They're your favorite" I added. "Look, it's very nice of you guys to try and cheer me up, but a cookie's not gonna fix anything" Ellie said.

"No, but I mean, it definitely helps" Astrid told her, Quinn then began to slow pull apart the cookie, Astrid did the same to hers and give the other half to me. Ellie took the other half and ate it she took a bite and said " I just can't believed I blew it", "You didn't blow it" I tell her, Astrid agreed with me " You were amazing, you were confident, articulate...and", " Yeah" Astrid agreed, " Hysterical" Ellie added to the list, "Come on, Ellie, most of us wouldn't even have the courage to get up there" Astrid said, " Or to do what you did with Robbie" I add in, "She's right, you were so brave. " Do you really think so?" Ellie asked, "Of course we do" Astrid told her. " These are really good" Elie smiled and we all laughed, seeing as we had helped Ellie.

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