Chapter 43 : No Escape

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The next day , I had woken up to the sound of my door being open , I looked up and saw Jenna , she had a piece of paper in her hand's , Hey" she said , I rubbed my eye's "Hey' I said " What's that?" I asked , she looked at the paper , " Oh , it's just something I found in Cody's room" she said " I just wanted to see if you were awake" she said , she then left ," I'm going out to run some Aron's , I'll be gone a while" she called as she left the house.

I walked into Cody's room and went through his stuff , I had found a piece of a paper , that had the words " To Emma , From Cody" , I opened it up and saw that it was a letter. It read ;

Dear Emma,
If you're reading this then well I'm dead
You may wonder why I wanted to die and I'll tell you , I'm not happy , I don't think I made anyone happy , but that wasn't until I met you , you made me feel happy , but I knew that deep down you cared for someone else , The guy that you met , I hope you can make him happy just as you made me happy , and if he ever breaks your heart , I'll become a ghost and haunt him forever , haha I'm just kidding but I bet that made you smile , I don't know if your reading this but if you are then , I'm giving you my guitar , it had brought me closer to you just by playing it and our song , I'll always remember it , I don't know how my mom or dad will react , but please just smile for them and smile for me , I know my death will be hard on you but I want no I need you to smile , your smile can light up a room , I don't know if you know that but it can , being sad over me is nothing compared to you smiling and being there for people , that's why I fell in love with you , you were very caring towards other , so I'm asking you this , by there for people who are going through this , like your Friend Birdie and her family. I just want you know that I love you and I will always love you

Love , Cody

I was crying at the end of the letter , but I knew that what he said was right , I had to be there for his mom and people that knew Cody and when they know about his death. I walked over to his guitar and began to play a few notes on it. Playing it brought me joy and he was right when he said it had brought us together, I smiled and folded the note into me pocket and played the guitar the whole day, I smiled for everything that had happened , but I smiled for Cody , he wasn't here to see me , but I knew he would be pound of me smiling for him.

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