We had arrived at Millwood to sign up for state , we are all standing looking up at the building , "It looks so " Rhyme began before Quinn said " Scary"." I have a feeling we're not in Attaway anymore" said Kayla , my heart was pounding , I may meet Ezra here and if I saw him I wouldn't know how to react , "Do we have to go?" Asked Quinn , " If we wanna sigh up for state , then , yes" said Birdie " Let's go" she walked into the building as we all followed.
We walked up to the table were we would sign in , "If your looking for the girl scout convection it's at the middle school" She said as she looked at us , "Then why aren't you there?" asked Birdie , "We're here for the state competition" said Kayla , " From Attaway You know , across the train tracks" said Quinn , The girl shot back " Yeah we know where Attaway is , we know who you are" she said , I gotten a creepy feeling from when she said that "Have at it ladies" she said handing Birdie the clipboard , "Oh we will" said Birdie as she wrote down on the paper .
We were all sitting in the sun while we waited , "Ugh this is taking forever and a day" groaned Birdie , " Yeah , I'm supposed to babysit after school again" said Kayla , " Are they running background checks on us or something" asked Quinn , I was texting Ezra and was telling about how I was excited to see him there , when I heard a voice call out to me and Rhyme "Emma , Rhyme it's good to see you again" , I nodded " Yeah ,I mean you too" said Rhyme , " We didn't get to talk much at Ace's party, you make it to Millwood often?" asked Paul , " Actually this is our first time" said Rhyme , " It's very pretty here" I said , I needed to ask him if he knew Ezra. " Well hopefully we get to see more of you" Paul said , " Scram Paul" spat Birdie "I said don't talk to the competition" whispered Birdie , " Hold on " I said then turned to Paul " Could I talk to you for a second?" I asked , " Uh yeah sure" He said , Birdie looked at me "What did I just say?" she said , " I'll be gone for a second" I told her and we both walked away further.
"So , what's up?" he asked , I had token out my phone and showed him a picture of Ezra , "Do you know him?" I asked , he looked at the picture for awhile then said " Yeah , I know him , he's here if your wondering" . I looked at him " How did you know I would be wondering that?" I asked , He shrugged " I got my ways , is he like your Boyfriend or something?" , my face turned red " Um I guess you could say that" I said. He smiled " Well is that all I'm needed for?" I nodded " You can go" I said , " Okay , well I hope you see you around here more often" he said as he walked away.
I had gotten back to the team and asked what's going on , Birdie turned to me " We don't have enough players to join state so we're gonna get disqualified" She said , " So we need how many more people?" I asked , " Two more I think" said Rhyme. We all had gotten into the van ready to go back home , I didn't get to see Ezra but I knew I would see him at State. " Guy's I tired , they're not budging" said T.K as he sat down " This suck's what are you gonna do?" asked Kayla , " We're gonna crush Power Surge and Millwood " said Birdie , " How are we gonna crush anyone without a team?" asked Kayla , "So , now what?" asked Quinn , "I'll tell you what ,we gotta find more dancers" said Birdie , " What" I said , " How are you gonna do that?" asked Rhyme , " Watch and learn" said Birdie , she turned to T.K ' Baby bro , can you get us some Flyers, stat?" asked Birdie.
We had set up auditions for the dance team , I sat back eating some popcorn while everyone was preforming and writing down scores , "Next up Naomi" called Kayla , she walked onto the stage and she danced amazingly , I had to sit up in my chair and watch her do her thing , "That was amazing" said Rhyme " Wow" I said , " Thanks , I've only ever performed in front of a mirror" , Birdie sat up " Well get ready for a bigger Audience , your in". "One down , one to go" said Kayla "Next" I called , Harmony and her friend went onto the stage and were dancing " Harmony and friends get out of here" Rhyme said , " Nice try" I told them as I shooed them away , Next was a teacher witch was Miss. Macalister . We all watched in awe as she dance "I just love to dance' she said as she raised her hand into the air. "She's the one who gave me a C- in social studies" said Quinn , " Thanks but no thanks" said Birdie , just then a boy walked in " Uh excuse me?' he asked, Birdie looked at him " Lacrosse tryouts are on the field dude" she said , "Okay , Actually , dude, I wanna try out for the dance team" he said , 'Nice" I said , "I'm down" said Rhyme , "let's see what you got kid" she said.
'Okay" he mouthed to Birdie , He had gotten on to the stage and danced and it was actually good, At the end we were all clapping expect for Birdie , " So what do you think , Naomi and ...." Rhymes vioce trialed off she looked at him "Oh i'm Frankie" he said , " Frankie" said Rhyme , Birdie sat up and asked " What's you jacket size Frankie?".
I had went to the arcade to eat a snakc and just listen to music , since the Arcade had been brought back it was still in buisness , I was sitting on a tabel when i saw Robbie , my heart stopped as i starred at him , i saw that Ellie was there as well as Rhyme, i walked up to Robbie 'Hi" he asid as i walke dup t him , i smiled " Hi".
"it's been awhile" he said , i nodded " yeah , what are you doing here?" i asked , " Oh my mom and i just checked into the DuPiont hotet" , i nodded " Fancy" i smiled and he smiled " Listen about that kiss" i said " I think we should just be friends" i told him , his face changed but i coulnd't read it " I- understand " , i smiled " i don't wanna lose you in my life and your amazing Surfboard teaching skills" i smiled and he laughed , Robin Robbins came up from behind " Eloise , i still see you still hanve't changed your mind, you Attaway kids really know how to spoil a good deal" she said , "Yeah, uh , yup , thats- that's me spoiling, okay gotta go bye" said Ellie as she walked away , "Hmm , i'll see you in the car" she said as she left , "So , we're gonna be in town for the next coupe of weeks" he said , i nodded " uh, cool". We stood there awkwardly " Sorry , i gotta go" i said as i left. I'm Sorry Ezra.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...