Chapter 9 : Say Anything

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Me, Rhyme , and Harmony were walking to the Gym , as soon as we walked we saw Tk and Ace staring at us, Ace stood up and left, it was like that for a while until Harmony said " Awkward , Well I'm gonna go to homework or something" she then walked out of the gym.

I turned to Rhyme " I'll go meet up with the dance team so yeah" I said and quickly left them. I didn't want to be there , not at all.

Birdie was counting the steps while we were dancing " one, two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , one, two , three , four , five , six , seven, eight" We all landed in our poses , it was the same pose that Rhyme had done but it was on the right side." That was good" said Rhyme , I nodded my head " yeah , but we need to be twice as good to have a change against Power Surge, everyone already thinks we're a joke" said Birdie.

"Okay" Rhyme said " it's not that bad , We're only down two people since I joined and Rooney left". I turned to Rhyme " But that was before Ellie left and Quinn too" I told her. "You don't understand" Birdie said " one crack on the ice and the whole frozen lake shatters ". I gave Birdie a look , it was a weird expression " Is that a real expression" asked Kayla , " It is now" Said Birdie " This is your fault". Kayla looked stunned " Me , How?".

"Something weird is going on between you and Ellie and that probably why she ran off" explained Birdie " You have to get her back". Kayla looked at her " But she won't talk to me" Kayla said, " so figure something out" Birdie yelled , " I think you blood sugar's low ". My eye's widened as Rhyme tired to hide a laugh.

It was after school and I hadn't texted Ezra in awhile so I decided to text him;
I'm sorry I haven't been texting you for awhile , I've been so busy with dance team
It's Fine , I just missed talking to you
Me too

and I told him abut everything that had happened at the dance Expo and all he wrote was
Yeah , so that's why I haven't been texting you a lot lately
Well that's fine , I gtg , talk to you later
Okay bye

Kayla had come over to tell me and Rhyme about all that had happen at school, " So ,You told her about Rooney yet?" Asked Rhyme, " I was covering for them for too long" said Kayla , Harmony had heard and asked " covering what?" , Rhyme explained " A few weeks ago , Kayla saw Henry and Rooney kissing after school , we were too scared to tell Ellie". Harmony's face lit up " Wow that's juicy gossip". We all laughed " Well that doesn't matter now , Rooney has a new man I her life and a new hobby" I said , " and we're still short a dancer" said Kayla , Harmony smiled " too bad I'm not old enough to join the team" We giggled and laughed at that.

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