Chapter 3 : Wednesday

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Me and Rhyme sat there on the stairs as Kayla and Ellie were taking off there jackets and there extra clothes. I looked at both of them confused on why they were doing this. " Much better" Ellie said as she took off a white see-through shirt to revealed a black half shoulder shirt. It looked cute on her." woah Ellie your practically naked" Rhyme said, " Cover up" I said. " My parents try to control everything I wear" She rolled her eye's at her parents.

" My mom doesn't approve of my outfit , she makes me up back up to my room and change" Kayla said. I was wearing my Dance team jacket along with a Black shirt that said " Messy hair , Don't Care" along with my hair being down with a little braid on the side of my head. " Rhyme , Emma please do you honestly think that Henry's gonna notice you in a head to you pink outfit , and a black too comfy outfit?" Asked Ellie. It was my comfy clothes I was just too lazy to put enough thought into what I wore that day.

" Wait why would I care what Quinn's older sister's Ex-Boyfriend thinks?" Asked Rhyme. Ellie stood tense " Because he's the hottest Guy in School , Probably the hottest Guy in town , Maybe the hottest guy in the Universe" Ellie shouted. " Calm down Ellie , Breathe" I told her calmly. She shook her head " I don't know , I've never been out of the Country". She had calmed down now. Rhyme looked next to Ellie to see Henry and his Friend's

talking. " Be cool he's right here" Rhyme said. He walked up the stairs laughing , then he looked at Rhyme " Hey Rhyme ,Nice scoot's" He said.

Rhyme spoke quickly " Thanks' Henry , My mom got then for me , It was buy one get one free" But he was already gone. I laughed at my sister. She was amazing.

We had went to English and I sat In front of Quinn while Rhyme sat in behind Ellie. Ellie turned her head to Quinn " Do any of you have a Tampon?' She asked. I shook my head while Quinn dug into her bag " Let me check". Ellie looked out the window " I'm having the worst period ever". I had already had my period but Rhyme hadn't " Oh yeah I hate when that happens" Rhyme added. " Oh come on Rhyme ,we all know you haven't started your Period yet" Said Quinn .Quinn had given her the tampon " Thank you" She said as she ran out.

We all went back to the assignment that we had to work on. But we soon started to talk , well me and Quinn started to talk about Dance Team while Rhyme just listened I could tell she was not happy about it. " Bridie and my sister actually taught all the girls on the Team how to use Tampons ". Rhyme looked at her "Kayla also told us a funny story about how on Dance camp that her and Ellie went to" I told her smiling at the story. We both raved on and on about Dance team until Rhyme yelled " Enough about Dance Team!". I looked at her shocked that she yelled. " I'm sorry" said Quinn

" I miss us , I miss the Chicken Girls" Rhyme sighed. " Well , Why don't you help with that pep rally" I said. " What do you mean?" Asked Rhyme. " Dance Team is Performing" Quinn said " And Birdie says that we need help putting up posters and stuff". I smiled " That way we'll be around each other" I exclaimed. Rhyme would finale not feel as alone as she was. " I don't just wanna be around , I want my friends and my sister back" Rhyme sighed " It's like everyone moved on and I didn't". There was a awkward silence between us . Rhyme sighed and we stopped talking and went back to doing our assignment.

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