Chapter 29 : Anything Goes

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There was a very deadly sickness that was spreading through the school , I was in Musical theatre with Cody , We were sitting in the audiences and we were just talking. " Alright everyone , I have some terrible news to share , today I was informed that several of our cherished company members, have been felled by the great mono outbreak of 2018 , a moment of silence for our fallen soldiers". Cody wrapped his arm around me and I smiled , the date that I had went with Cody was amazing , "It's true Angie's been compromised , she's on bed rest , indefinitely , which means Rhyme is our new Juliette". I smiled at Rhyme , "me?" she said" Juliette?" , "The understudy becomes the ingenue, praise the ghosts of theatre , you're already so prepared" he said dramatically ," I hope so" Rhyme said ,"We're all gonna be leaning on you now , Rhyme" he told her.

Cody kissed my cheek , " I can't bilevel that Rhyme is the new Juliette , I knew she could do it" I said. Rhyme had started to practice right then and there , I knew she was excited for the kissing scene where she had to kiss Drake. I watched as she acted her best and she was quite good at it. Cody had gotten up to go and get his Guitar him and I were gonna go on a another date. Rhyme said her line and there leaned in close to kiss but the teacher yelled cut. " Hey you ready to go?" Cody asked , I smiled " Yeah , let's go". We both left them to practice. I couldn't believe that I had such a amazing boyfriend like Cody. Nothing could go wrong with him now.

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