Chapter 23 : Bring it On

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I woke up to Harmony telling me to wake up , " Wake up , Rhyme is ready to go and you need to get to school" she said , I sat up " I'm up okay , let me get dressed" I said , She left me room and I had put on a shirt as well as some black ripped jeans. Me and Rhyme had arrived at the school and met up with Kayla , Ellie , and Quinn , " Here goes nothing" said Rhyme as we all walked towards the school , " Just the start of another year" said Ellie ," only it's not just any other year, it's freshmen year" said Quinn , " it's just High school , we're still in Attaway , it's like last year" said Kayla , " Yeah expect not at all " said Ellie ,"I'm in a deeply committed relationship , but we're still the Chicken Girls, aren't we?" asked Kayla , " of course we are" said Rhyme , "I am so nervous , are you guys nervous?" Asked Ellie " cause I just really want people to like me" , " We like you" I said , " I hope there's not too much homework, cause I hate homework " said Quinn.

" yeah , spending my summer studying was just amazing" said Rhyme , " Yeah , we really missed you at camp this year" said Ellie. " Hey girls" said Ellie as she meet up with Power Surge and they did a little handshake , " Apparently we missed a lot at camp" Rhyme said to me , " there's so many people" said Quinn , "Don't worry, I studied the yearbook, here's what I know , There's are the jocks obviously , those are the nerds , but the cool nerds , they're into '80s movies and vinyl , those are the real nerds , I'm talking Dungeons and Dragons, risk , any other board game that I haven't heard of, steer clear , the Kylie Jenner wannabes and the " Hive-B's" boyfriends, the future politicians , and those are the Queen B's".

The Queen B's walked out of the school , they looked blonde and perfect like they were in a movie , "Beatriz , Britney , and the Beckys, they rule the dance team" , " I heard about them , none of it is good" said Luna , "Rhyme , you trying out for the dance team this year?" one of the Power Surge girls asked , " aren't we all?" said Quinn ,"I heard there's only gonna be 5 spots" said Luna , " That's it" said Rhyme " Oh god , I'm so nervous, after everything that's happened with Robin Robbins and all that I just- I just need to get a break of dance" said Ellie , I still hadn't told them about my decision , " let's meet before tryouts so we can practice" said Ellie , " Works for me" said Quinn , " I'd have to check with Flash. but I think our schedule is clear" said Kayla , " Guys , there's only five spots, there's more than five of us , not all of us are gonna make it, I'm having serious Deja vu" said Rhyme. The bell rang and it was time to get to class. But before we went to class T.k and Birdie weren't there , We walked up to Flash and Ace ,"Where's T.k" asked Rhyme as she walked up to Ace, " through he'd be with you" said Ace , "no sign of Birdie either" I said ,"maybe they're just running late" said Quinn , Henry and one of his friend that was injured came up to us " What's up ladies, you got my text" he said "Ew!" said Ellie , " Keep moving ketchup packet" said Flash , " Who's the other guy?" asked Luna ,"He's cute" said Quinn ," That's Ty , Football player, the dudes a legend" Said Ace , " Well he was until he got injured" Flash added.

Near the end of school I had my T.A spot in Musical Theater , I walked in and I saw a lot of people there , the teacher saw me " You must be my new T.A, I'll speak to you in a second" he said as he started to talk back to the class, After he was done talking , the class began to work he waked over to me , " Hey , you're Emma McAdam's right?" he asked , " Yeah that's me" I said , " Good , I need all the help I can get with the Musical that we're gonna do , I have a stage manager but while I'm working on the Musical you will organize and grade paper's , there's another T.A who will help you , if you have any questions just ask him he's great with new people". He had lead me to his desk where a was sitting at a desk grading paper's , " Cody , I'd like for you to meet Emma" , he looked up and smiled " Cody O'Conner" he reached to shake my hand and I shook his " Emma McAdams" I said , He smiled " Nice to meet you Emma" , He smiled and I smiled at him too. Man he was Cute and I mean really Cute. " Well Cody , this young lady will be here to help you with all this work , so answer her questions if she has any" the teacher said as he walked away. I sat down next to him and he gave me half of a stack of paper's and handed me a sheet , " Here , this will help you with grading , but it's hard to read , so if you need help , I'm always here". I smiled " Thanks" , he went back to his work " No problem". He stopped grading papers and looked at my shirt " Are you a Heather?", I looked at him realizing that he had seen the movie and musical as well " No , I'm a Veronica". He smiled and so did I " You like Heathers?" I asked , he nodded " Yeah , I love the Movie and the Musical's okay" he said , We had ended up talking the whole time , getting to know each other.

Later that day , I was walking home with Rhyme when she asked " Why weren't you there at the dance try outs?" , I didn't want to say anything ,' Dance just isn't my thing , I need to find something that makes me who I am and I don't think dance is", she was about to resound when we walked past T.K's house and saw a moving Van , " T.K what's going on?" I asked as me and Rhyme walked up to his house , he had come out with a box "My parents are getting divorced" he said." What?" asked Rhyme , "Yeah , my dad's moving back to Texas " he said , " I'm sorry" Rhyme said , "It's okay" he said , " but Texas , that's pretty far" I said ," Yeah , but Birdie's staying" he said , "oh , Yeah , Yeah, You are too right?" I said , he didn't say anything, "Right T.k" said Rhyme asking him again , " I don't know yet, sorry" he said as he walked over to the moving van.

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