Chapter 42 : Teacher Takeover

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The next day was hard for me , I hadn't gotten any sleep , I was really tired and I felt sick as well as what had happened I didn't know what to do. The next morning my mom had stayed up and waited for me , she had asked me where I was , but that wasn't until she saw I was crying , I told her about Cody , I asked her if I could stay with Cody's mom for awhile and my mom agreed , so the next morning , I was packing when Harmony had walked into my room " What are you doing?" she asked ," I'm going to stay with Cody's mom for a while" I said , " Why?" she asked , I couldn't tell her about Cody , even through she was wise in her years I didn't want to tell her that Cody had died , Since her and Cody had gotten very close when he lived with us.

" Something happened and I need to be there for her" I told her and I walked outside and made my way to her house. When I had walked into her house , I would sleep in the guest room that was next to Cody's room. I had noticed that they had brought back his guitar , I had to go the school , I walked into English , where Rhyme was teaching. I sat next to Rooney , she smiled as I sat down " Hey , where'd you go at my party , I didn't see you there?" she asked , I turned to her and tried to smiled but it was hard , " I had bumped into Ezra and he asked me out on a date and we decided to leave" , I silently added that Cody had died right in front of me " Woah , I didn't think he would ask you out" she said , " Well he did , since we've been so close , we all knew it was going to happen" I told her, she looked at me " Em , are you ok? , you look terrible" she said , she must have noticed the bags under my eyes and that I wasn't looking too good. " I just haven't been getting a lot of sleep" I told her , she nodded and the bell rang , Rhyme turned around " Ok , Romeo and Juliet , we should all know the basic plot , two star crossed lovers fall madly in love and then they die , how romantic" spat Rhyme , something was very wrong with Rhyme.

" Uh , excuse me Rhyme" said Drake ," That would be Miss McAdams to you" Rhyme corrected him , " I think you're glossing over a lot of the story" he said" I mean if you remember the musical last semester -" ," Oh I remember the musical just fine" said Rhyme " It seems like other people may have forgotten it though".

" like I was saying, the whole point of this is that Romeo is going to go to a ball to find Rosaline and then in walks Juliet and all of a sudden he's totally into her and forgets about Rosaline, any questions?" asked Rhyme , we all looked at her. After the end of class , I needed to see Ezra , I walked into the newspaper room , I saw Ezra was typing , he looked up and saw me " Hey" , I sat next to him , he looked at me " Hey are you ok?" he asked ," Why do people keep asking me that?" I snapped ," I'm sorry , I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night " I said cupping my hands in my face. he placed his hand on my back " Hey , it's fine , you've been through a lot" he said , I looked up at him , I kissed him and then pulled away " Thanks Ezra" I told him , he smiled " I'll always be here for you" he said , as I stood up.

When I had gotten home , well to Cody's home , I heard noise coming from up stairs , I quickly ran up stairs and saw that Jenna was clearing out stuff in Cody's closet , " Hey" I said , she looked up at me , I could tell that she had been drying " Hey Kiddo" she said whipping away a tear " I'm just clearing some stuff out" she said ," Well , I'm gonna go to bed" I said , I was very tired since I barely got any sleep. I walked into the guest room and fell onto the bed falling asleep in my clothes.

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