I woke surprisingly early, I went downstairs to see Harmony who was eating breakfast, " Moring" I yawned, She looked at me "Moring, isn't it a beautiful day?" she asked me, " Yeah, it is", As we continued talking I noticed that Rhyme hadn't come down yet, Astrid soon did."Morning" Astrid said as she set her bag on the couch, We both said good morning back. " Isn't it a beautiful morning?" Harmony asked, " I guess, Where's Rhyme? I didn't see her this morning" Astrid asked, "She left early to school to work on an English project" Harmony answered. She scoffed and headed to school " Bye" Harmony said. I looked at the clock " We should start going too" I told her and we went off the school.
As I enter the school building I feel someone tap my shoulder " Hey?" they asked, I turned around to see Jesse " Hey, what's up?" I asked him, " I need your help with something" he said nervously, I could tell that he was nervous. " Is something wrong?", He shakes his head " No I was just wondering if you think Rhyme would like to go to the Art Gallery thing with me", I gave him a weird look " Why do you need to be asking me? , you should ask her yourself" I begin walking to class. He begins to walk with me " I was just wondering , what do you think she'll say?", I turned to look at him " Probably yes, if you ask her" I repeat," But what if-" He begins but I interrupted him "Just ask her, Don't be weird about it" The bell rings and I go to class.
I sit down during Math right next to Angel, She smiles as I sit down, " So I was wondering if you'd be going to the Photo Gallery thing that Rooney's doing?" I ask her, ever since our fight I've been trying to spend more time with her. "I don't know.. I won't know anyone there" she said hesitantly, " You'll be there with me, It'll be fun" I insists, " Fine" she groans playfully.
After school , I hear the doorbell ring, I rush to the door and open it to see Angel, "Hey" I pulled her into a hug, " You ready to go?" she asks, " Yeah" I say and we both head off but as we're walking down the street I bump into Jesse, " Hey, sorry" I apologize, " It's fine" he says , " you going to g pick Rhyme up?" I asked him, he nods "Yeah", I smile " well we'll see you there" and we make our way to the Gallery. Once we there, I walked straight up to Rooney and pull her into a hug. "Your here!" she exclaims, " Did you think I wouldn't make it?, This is my friend Angelica but you can call her Angel", Rooney shakes her hand " Nice to meet you Angelica", she shakes her hand with a weird smile on her face " Nice to meet you too". Steph and Rooney start talking and I turn to Angel," what was that?" I asked, " What was what?", " That weird smile on your face?" I explain, " I don't like shaking hands that much" she explains, soon Rhyme comes along with Jesse and Harmony, Rhyme and Rooney hug and start talking.
Me and Angel begin to look at all of the photography that Rooney had taken, " She's really talented" Angel admires a picture of a silhouetted person on the beach, " She really is", We go up tp Harmony who is admiring a picture of Rhyme, "My eye is immediately drawn to how the model positions her hands, but, then again, tertiary subjects immediately pull my eye away, she really should have applied the rule of thirds Disagree Rhyme?", Angel look's at me with an impressed look " She have a very high Vocabulary" I tell her and she gives a light laugh, "Totally" Rhyme says not paying attention to a word she just said, "Who are you looking for?" Harmony asked, "Nobody" she says, I smirk " She's looking for Wes", Rhyme's face goes red but soon get's back to it's normal color when Jesse tap's Rhyme shoulder.
"Hey , I've been looking for you" he said, "Me?" she repeats, " You, do you wanna get a drink or something? I'm jonesing for a soda" he asked her, "I'm okay, thank you thought" she tells him politely and he seems hesitant before walking away, I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Me and Angel pretend to be looking at the pictures but we're both listening to what's happening, "I'm really not thirsty" She says as she turns around to see Wes, "Thirsty?" He repeats as her face lights up "Oh, Hey, it's you" she says, "Hey, your friend Rooney is very talented.", She nods " She is isn't she".
Me and Angel soon get a table to rest on but we can still hear them, "You are staring at me" Rhyme notes, " yeah, I've been finding myself doing a lot of that lately, I'm not really good at this stuff, I guess what I'm trying to say is ever since we've been at the Nurses office, I thought you were awesome, Bloody nose and all, I don't know if you're into me, or if there's someone else or of there's a thing.." He rambles on but Rhyme cuts him off " No, well , I mean, it's sort of ... " She couldn't find the right words, " I'd really like to take you on a date, Rhyme" he tells her, she gives him a smile but Jesse comes back with a drink in hand, Angel and I are shocked as we watch "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" he asked Wes " You can't just come over to somebody else's date and ask them out, that's not cool", Wes looks at Rhyme "Oh, I didn't realize that you two were on a Date", Rhyme butts in " We aren't, we aren't on a date, Right?" she turns to Jesse , His face now sad, "Oh, Oh, no , I" Rhyme tries to Explain but Jesse is already walking away. " Wow, I guess it was what I through all along" Astrid says coldly "Astrid, come on" Rhyme says but she's already gone.
Then I hear Rooney call over one, "Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank you so much for coming, and seeing and supporting my work, It really means the world. I wouldn't be here without my amazing Friend, Girlfriend, Stephanie , she was the one that submitted my portfolio to the contest. I'm really grateful that she believes in me, Anyway, go enjoy, thank you for coming". Near the end of it Angel says " It's gonna be an awkward day at school when I see Them at school", I scoff " It's gonna be an awkward night going home". " Lucky you" she says sarcastically as she takes a sip of a drink, I nod my head "Lucky me"

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...